Stiggy PSYCHO WARD for plant Maniacs

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I lost my dog Over 2 yrs ago, but got a new one a yr ago if that makes sense
I thought it was going to be hard too, Glad I got a new one after one yr.
i needed him, I too thought my last dog before my new one could not be replaced
he is not but the new one is a clown so he makes me laugh
Glad I got him.

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I happen to have one of those seeds rattling around in my seed drawer. What did you think of it?
I am very Pleased with it
I will not grow it outside again where I am located due to high humidity and it started to get rot on top cola and I chopped approx 2 weeks early
But Great Smoke in my book.
I like it a lot as a night time smoke myself, but thats when I always smoke LOL
I would not pass it by.
Time for more Coffee
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