Stigma around cannabis smell discriminatory?


Well-Known Member
So I had an incident a few nights ago where I was publicly bitched out by a nurse a hospital for allegedly smelling like weed. The story will be at in the next few days if you want the details.
I have filed a complaint, but I am interested in other people's experiences with unfair or discriminatory treatment by anyone for simply having the odour of cannabis on them. The line between pleasant and foul odours is subjective, I happen to like the smell. Why would someone else's dislike of a smell empower them to treat someone else different than they do others? With it becoming legal for 30 million of us this year, I'm sure this is going to become even more common. PM me if you have a story to share and I'll use it in an article. No identifying info needed.
I hear ya.... lol
waking up after heart surgery..The entire world STUNK to high hell ..smokes made me want to gag on the way out of the hospital... Just sayin...
smoke being the worst of them all......and I smoked buts before surgery too... :?
only good thing that came out of heart surgery lol
People be nasty cause they got none. Smell me later alligator.
I have hardly any sense of smell for most smells, some though seem to be sensed by another part of the brain and I can smell those just fine. I can also randomly smell roses sometimes, mostly they smell like nothing to me,
I don't know if I have ever gone for one of my IV treatments without half a doobie in my pocket. Smoke half walking from my car the other half as soon as I leave. Lots of signs up everywhere stating "scent free zone" Thankfully nobody has ever said anything. Also didn't really think of it until now but I can see how the smell could really bother people just like other scents do.
Cheers :)
Also didn't really think of it until now but I can see how the smell could really bother people just like other scents do.

With other scents like perfume it can actually cause a physical response in people suffering from MCS, cannabis does not trigger this so it should not be included in the whole "scent free zone" crap. If it bothers them because they simply don't like it, fuck'em.
With other scents like perfume it can actually cause a physical response in people suffering from MCS, cannabis does not trigger this so it should not be included in the whole "scent free zone" crap. If it bothers them because they simply don't like it, fuck'em.

... you are SO correct

"Eternity" perfume..makes me sick

but Bounce/fabric sheet smell and almost every laundry detergeant has [fabreeze]


basically nerve gas and is also ruining peoples immune systems..

and second hand too
Fuck them all. I would have told her to fuck off at the top of my lungs. I bet she’d never make that comment again!.
My neighbor said the smell from plants made her nauseous. Well this year she’ll probably go into convulsions. Forget about medical, it’s going to be legal next year and some people just can’t come to terms with it. I rather have the air smelling like sweet scent of a Nice Strain.
You don’t hear me cursing out the neighbors cuz one smells like fish and the other curry. Two smell I absolutely despise. But I put up with it cuz it’s not my place to say anything even if it’s encroaching into my space at home or while I’m in line at the grocery store.
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With other scents like perfume it can actually cause a physical response in people suffering from MCS, cannabis does not trigger this so it should not be included in the whole "scent free zone" crap. If it bothers them because they simply don't like it, fuck'em.
Bingo. There are certain ethnic groups that often have strong odours about them from the food they eat. I don't enjoy smelling second-hand curry or fish, but I have the common decency to keep my opinion to myself. Cannabis is the . ONLY non-chemical smell that is treated in this way.
They said I would be contacted in 3 - 5 business days, we'll see. Their response will dictate my next move, media, lawyer...?. This will not happen again.
I hear ya.... lol
waking up after heart surgery..The entire world STUNK to high hell ..smokes made me want to gag on the way out of the hospital... Just sayin...
smoke being the worst of them all......and I smoked buts before surgery too... :?
only good thing that came out of heart surgery lol
None of the patients were affected and did not complain. Preemie babies are not as judgmental, apparently.
Fuck them all. I would have told her to fuck off at the top of my lungs. I bet she’d never make that comment again!.
My neighbor said the smell from plants made her nauseous. Well this year she’ll probably go into convulsions. Forget about medical, it’s going to be legal next year and some people just can’t come to terms with it. I rather have the air smelling like sweet scent of a Nice Strain.
You don’t hear me cursing out the neighbors cuz one smells like fish and the other curry. Two smell I absolutely despise. But I put up with it cuz it’s not my place to say anything even if it’s encroaching into my space at home or while I’m in line at the grocery store.
That is precisely how I would normally react and my family all looked at me expecting it. However, we were in a NICU with a bunch of babies and new parents and I didn't feel it was an appropriate place. I surprised myself by staying calm. Also I have a week-old grandson there and my son and daughter-in-law still had to be there every day. I don't trust them not to take out their frustrations on a baby.
It's better this way - she was the only one that acted inappropriately.
The complaint......

I am filing a complaint against a nurse in the maternity ward of ------ Regional Hospital. I was too angry to get her name or to even respond to the accusations in a civil manner at the time.

I, along with my wife, were at the Nanaimo Hospital NICU this evening (January 20,2018 to visit our newborn grandson for the first time. Although we were with my son (the father of said grandson) and our one year old granddaughter, the nurse who buzzed us in asked who we were going to see in a rather condescending/rude tone. My son and granddaughter had been in and out all day and his son was in the ward – she knew where we were going. It wasn't a real warm welcome.

As we were leaving about 90 minutes later (6 pm), the nurse buzzing us out decided she had the right to humiliate me in front of my wife, son, daughter-in-law and granddaughter because she objected to an odour of cannabis that may or may not have been emanating from me. Rather than pull one of us aside and express her concerns, she instead raised her voice so the entire room could hear and said “ Next time you come in here and you've been smoking pot.....wash your hands or something”. What proof did she have that I was the source of the smell before deciding to embarrass me? I don't appreciate being defamed unfairly and my employment requires me to maintain a good character. Now that she has informed multiple strangers (nurses and visitors) of my cannabis use by implying I had done something wrong, I have no way of knowing if that will be used against me or affect my future.

So I have a few very big issues with what happened and how I address them will depend on the response I get from you.

Problem one was the fact that this woman felt the need to inject herself and her personal dislike of a smell into my personal business. I am a medical cannabis user, prescribed by a physician and approved by Health Canada. My cannabis use is a personal health matter and quite frankly, none of her business. I did not smoke just prior to going to the hospital or while there, but it is quite possible I had the residual odour on me. None of my family members are smokers and they didn't smell anything. There are many unpleasant smells in a hospital, and to humiliate me for my choice of medicine because she doesn't like the smell is appalling for a supposed 'health care professional'. Somebody should inform her that cannabis is a legal medicine in Canada and some of the people she comes into contact with may be users.

Problem two was the way she spoke to me. I am a grown man and I don't appreciate being lectured to by anyone. If she had a problem, the professional, courteous way to address it would be by discreetly asking me. The fact that she felt the need to embarrass me speaks volumes to her character. She spoke to me like she thought she was my boss or my mother – she is neither. I normally have a very short fuse when I'm treated like I'm garbage, but the maternity ward wasn't a place for it so I didn't say anything. It's unfortunate that your staff doesn't feel obligated to follow the notices posted everywhere warning patients and visitors to treat staff respectfully. I give respect and I expect it back regardless of what someone thinks of the way I look or smell.

Problem three is trying to understand the reason for the humiliating treatment to begin with. To my knowledge, a cannabis odour has never harmed anybody. Some may not like the smell, but that's a personal issue. We can't always control everything we smell in our lives. Then, because she didn't have an actual point other than to humiliate me, she tells me to wash my hands IF I come back. Excuse me? I washed my hands before entering in order to hold the baby. Apparently hand washing didn't work, because she still decided to lecture me. Her only goal was to make herself look important in front of her co-workers at my expense. There is no evidence the smell even came from me as I wasn't the only one there, but that didn't stop her from accusing. As I said, nobody else smelled it on me.

What gives her the right to treat me different than every other visitor simply because I choose cannabis over pharmaceuticals? There are laws to protect me from people like her, it's a shame she didn't take the time to learn them.

What was supposed to be a happy occasion meeting our grandson has been permanently marred by this event. For what?

Given that cannabis will be legal for 30 million Canadians in less than six months, one can assume her encounters with cannabis smokers will increase. Is she going to be permitted to continue to treat cannabis users as though they were some lower form of life?

To top things off, on my way out, in the gift shop window there were some wooden signs. Three out of the six signs displayed a message related to alcohol consumption. Surely a hospital would know better than most of the dangers, disease and death associated with alcohol, but here they are joking about it on signs. As someone who is 10 years sober, I find those signs infinitely more offensive than the smell of a plant.

This is not the first time I have been treated unfairly, unprofessionally and rudely by hospital staff for my cannabis use and I have about had my fill. An incident at St. Joseph's in ----- years ago was equally humiliating and was never resolved. Believe it or not, cannabis users contribute to hospital operating costs and salaries just as much as non-users and treating them differently is clear discrimination. In 2018 there is no excuse for the treatment I received.

After my wife and I had left the hospital, my son confronted the nurse and advised her of our objection to her treatment of me. She half-assed apologized and muttered an explanation that they were concerned about the health of the babies. Excuse me, again? When was the last time a child was harmed by exposure to a residual plant smell? Either she is extremely uneducated on the subject, in which case she should keep her opinions to herself, or she thought I was an idiot, in which case she should also keep her opinions to herself. Is it common practice for your staff to lie to the public about something so easily debunked? I am a 55 year old man who has been a cannabis proponent for over 3 decades. I know the facts and I know my rights. I have had several violated by her tonight.

The only satisfactory resolution to this complaint would be extensive training for nurses and hospital staff to educate them on how to treat the public with respect and without infringing on their right to privacy and without being discriminatory. Anything less will not address the stigma and discrimination so prevalent towards cannabis users by medical staff. I am prepared to have the courts intervene to prevent this type of humiliating experience in the future so myself and others feel as safe and as respected as every other visitor to a hospital.

The more I think about that woman humiliating me while I said nothing in defense, the angrier I get. It's clear this particular nurse is not suited for the job or just plain hates people. She should be removed from any position that allows her contact with the public.
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That is precisely how I would normally react and my family all looked at me expecting it. However, we were in a NICU with a bunch of babies and new parents and I didn't feel it was an appropriate place. I surprised myself by staying calm. Also I have a week-old grandson there and my son and daughter-in-law still had to be there every day. I don't trust them not to take out their frustrations on a baby.
It's better this way - she was the only one that acted inappropriately.
Ohh okay, you handled that well then.
I would have done the same as you in that situation however if I was there alone and in any other part of hospital then I guarantee I would have told her where to go lol.
Just another reason why I made 1 50 dollar purchase from LP.
It gives you a hologram Health Canada Cannabis card starting all info. Shoukd be nough said at that point.
Just saying it’s something that could have been slipped to her for verification that you actually are a medical patient!! You know a lot of non med patients will say they are.
At that point if she had a problem then she could’ve called the doctor that is stated on card.
Just another reason why I made 1 50 dollar purchase from LP.
It gives you a hologram Health Canada Cannabis card starting all info. Shoukd be nough said at that point.
Just saying it’s something that could have been slipped to her for verification that you actually are a medical patient!! You know a lot of non med patients will say they are.
At that point if she had a problem then she could’ve called the doctor that is stated on card.
I have my mmar pinks in my wallet - I will only produce them for the police. She didn't give me an opportunity to explain and it's none of her fucking business anyway. She wasn't complaining about cannabis use - just the lingering smells.
Oh the's gonna be a problem...all those other things that smell, like cigarettes, are acceptable to society...cannabis not so much...don't believe it's discriminatory in any legal sense...they're just going to have to get used to it.
I think it was discriminatory. I was unfairly treated because of my choice of medicine and asked to meet criteria in order to gain access to my grandchild. She also violated my privacy by yelling about my 'pot' use across the room and put herself in a defendant role if I file a human rights complaint for the public humiliation over the treatment of my disability.