Stigma around cannabis smell discriminatory?

okay. Your mmar pinks are what set you aside from the average pot head. If you choose to hide the pinks then you won’t get the respect your looking for as a cannabis patient. IMO.
I didn't choose to 'hide' anything. I don't need to advertise my medical history and treatment in order get respect. Does a diabetic have to wear a T-shirt announcing it to the world so they're not treated like a junkie when they inject insulin?
Besides, there was no proof it was me and I wasn't given an opportunity to explained before being attacked. I sure as fuck don't need validation from an LP.
I didn't choose to 'hide' anything. I don't need to advertise my medical history and treatment in order get respect. Does a diabetic have to wear a T-shirt announcing it to the world so they're not treated like a junkie when they inject insulin?
Besides, there was no proof it was me and I wasn't given an opportunity to explained before being attacked. I sure as fuck don't need validation from an LP.
That shouldn't happen, with the number of medical cannabis users in this country for them to act so unprofessionally is disgusting.
And it's not an isolated incident. Now is a good time to effect change, imo. I'm really looking forward to the conversation with the complaints people. Baby is going home on Thursday so I won't have to worry about retaliation.
Many hospital managers are good at dealing with this shit.
I kicked up a massive stink after my daughter was born, we ended up paying something like $200 for the whole thing including cesarian.
Many hospital managers are good at dealing with this shit.
I kicked up a massive stink after my daughter was born, we ended up paying something like $200 for the whole thing including cesarian.
We don't pay anything. Hospital managers here are government employees.
Shit no, we were in a private hospital, so it is normally about $4000.
I'd die at home before trying my luck with a government hospital here.
i have a filter, but it's not very large, and it's not attached very well...bitch starts giving me shit cause she don't like the way i smell is gonna get a whole load of unfiltered fuck you right's not your fucking job to provide social commentary, nor is it your job to pass judgement on me about ANYTHING...shut the fuck up and do your job or you'll be smelling the shit i'll take on your desk, fucking cunt....
i have a filter, but it's not very large, and it's not attached very well...bitch starts giving me shit cause she don't like the way i smell is gonna get a whole load of unfiltered fuck you right's not your fucking job to provide social commentary, nor is it your job to pass judgement on me about ANYTHING...shut the fuck up and do your job or you'll be smelling the shit i'll take on your desk, fucking cunt....
Are we related...? lol
PM me if you have a story to share and I'll use it in an article. No identifying info needed.
I tried to PM but I couldn't. My situation was really minor in comparison to yours. When my lung collapsed in October, I had surgery at the Royal Alexander hospital in Edmonton. The day after surgery the doctor and surgeon came in my room. The surgeon explained he noticed my lungs were darker than people usually my age. I said I smoked cigarettes for 7 years, he said that wasn't it. Asked if I smoke anything else. I said cannabis. The female pneumothorax doctor gave a look of disgust to me with eye contact. She didn't say anything but if looks could kill I'd be dead.

I should have told the surgeon it was from a few months of Aphria and Tweed:spew:
I tried to PM but I couldn't. My situation was really minor in comparison to yours. When my lung collapsed in October, I had surgery at the Royal Alexander hospital in Edmonton. The day after surgery the doctor and surgeon came in my room. The surgeon explained he noticed my lungs were darker than people usually my age. I said I smoked cigarettes for 7 years, he said that wasn't it. Asked if I smoke anything else. I said cannabis. The female pneumothorax doctor gave a look of disgust to me with eye contact. She didn't say anything but if looks could kill I'd be dead.

I should have told the surgeon it was from a few months of Aphria and Tweed:spew:
you should have told them to get fucked, what business is it of theirs what you do? i don't deal well with judgemental people. hypocrites, every single one. ask that bitch if she drinks? does she have a toy in her nightstand? i guarantee you, not one judge (official or not) can stand up to the same scrutiny they put unders other
well I am unsure what rules are in other areas, but in our local hospitals you have to speak meek and mild. If you offend anyone with yelling and swearing they will have security haul your ass out the door right quick. The message they display about this is plastered everywhere, ad nausea. So here is how I handle it anywhere it happens. I lean in closer to the offending person and in a low voice so no one else can hear I say: "well you are ugly, at least I can wash off my offensive odor".
well I am unsure what rules are in other areas, but in our local hospitals you have to speak meek and mild. If you offend anyone with yelling and swearing they will have security haul your ass out the door right quick. The message they display about this is plastered everywhere, ad nausea. So here is how I handle it anywhere it happens. I lean in closer to the offending person and in a low voice so no one else can hear I say: "well you are ugly, at least I can wash off my offensive odor".
LOL! I could be cruder than that - I wanted to suggest that she upgrade to the scented panty-liners.
shit stink...puffco stink..
rather smell the puffco than yer shit stink..

They have VI POO..

They should have MJ GONE

OH LOOKEY A new industry? to stop smell odour.. lol
OZIUM is gonna have a run,,,
keep a small can on you and next time SPRAY THE NURSE with it lol
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