Still don't completely understand carboxylation. Help Please


Well-Known Member
What i have been having trouble figuring out is whether it is necessary to initially decarboxylate your material if you are planning to make cannaoil and then bake edibles with the oil. Can anyone help me out? I am just not sure if the extraction process also acts at the decarboxylation step, or if it needs to be done before as a completely seperate step.
look up skunk pharm research and bad kitty smiles. google those name plus canna oil and you will find detailed info on decarb etc. but basically, any thing you can do to process the THC to make it bio-available, decreases the amount of time it takes to kick in.

properly processed highly bioavailable canna oil can be felt in as little as 20 mins. according to bad kitty and skunk pharm.
Thank You JohnDee, that is what i was thinking precisely. I figured that the heat from infusing the oil and also from baking the goods would be enough time and heat to decarboxylate sufficiently.
I was also thinking that. You state you want to decarboxylate prior to making butter, but surely the heat of the water is enough to do the job, plus the baking process after that? I have very little experience with making products that were not to be smoked, so am just spitballing in the dark.

As an anecdotal item, the gf and i made some cupcakes and just chucked ground bud into the mix. One of those and i was stood in the store an hour later giggling at the crisps while in line for checkout, so we certainly did something right without previously decarbing it.
Hi Guys,
I've been making cannabutter and ganja cookies for decades and have always been more then happy with the results. Often, a half a cookie is enough to get good and high. I always use the same recipe which uses 375 degrees for around 25 minutes. (snickerdoodles)
Hi Guys,
I've been making cannabutter and ganja cookies for decades and have always been more then happy with the results. Often, a half a cookie is enough to get good and high. I always use the same recipe which uses 375 degrees for around 25 minutes. (snickerdoodles)

So pretty much the same method as baking any cookie or brownie. No faffing about with decarbing beforehand? Do you use oil or butter? Sorry for questions, but why not learn while you have the chance :)
I havnt had enough bud to make any but been reading up. I do understand that you can make eddibles without de carboxylation which changes the thc. and makes it more bio available. So if you de carb before infusing oil you are infusing the already bio available thc 9. If you leave that step out wont you also be infusing some of the less bio available thc befor it is actually decarbed and have a less potent butter or oil?

As I said, havnt done it yet myself, waiting for harvest time, just trying to gain knowledge before I do.
Decarbing is necessary if you want to 'feel' it. You are converting the THC-A into the psychoactive THC. The bio availability comes in how and what you process it with after the decarb.

TipTop...I have been making edibles for dispensaries for 3 years. I tested a lot of them before starting. It was very evident the ones that did not do a decarb. Pm me if you have any questions hun ;)
So pretty much the same method as baking any cookie or brownie. No faffing about with decarbing beforehand? Do you use oil or butter? Sorry for questions, but why not learn while you have the chance :)

No it is not the same method. you want to decarb first, then make your cookies/whatever. You can use either oil or butter, depending on the recipe you are making.
Decarbing is necessary if you want to 'feel' it. You are converting the THC-A into the psychoactive THC. The bio availability comes in how and what you process it with after the decarb.

TipTop...I have been making edibles for dispensaries for 3 years. I tested a lot of them before starting. It was very evident the ones that did not do a decarb. Pm me if you have any questions hun ;)
So pretty much the same method as baking any cookie or brownie. No faffing about with decarbing beforehand? Do you use oil or butter? Sorry for questions, but why not learn while you have the chance :)

No it is not the same method. you want to decarb first, then make your cookies/whatever. You can use either oil or butter, depending on the recipe you are making.

I know it's a super late reply in terms of years, so just in case you happen to see this, Thanks. For clarifying that subject.