Still Growing.400watt/Multi-Strain

Is she drinking water?
It is super important, if you have moved to a new area parvo could have been uncovered in the yard.
If she isn't drinking either you need to start forcing her to drink right away!
Go to a health food store and get some colloidal silver and put 3 or 4 drops under the tongue 3 - 4 times a day
If she starts throwing up you need to get more water in her! You don't have time to waste if it has been several days!
I hate to be alarmist but that's how it starts and they are listless. I lost my girl like that.... was a weekend couldn't get to a vet and 2 days later she died.
**Make sure she stays hydrated that is most important and can save her by it self, the silver will kill the crud causing it!
** call a vet too, maybe they have something else to give her. If nothing else it will make you feel better!

Well, i have been giving her water. i have ruled out parvo iv'e lost a handful of dogs to parvo over the past few years. She is also a parvo survivor (she had it when i bought her) her vaccines are updated as of this summer when i vaccinated her latest litter. She is not eating other than that she isnt showing the signs of parvo, she's drooling but no vomit(hurts to see her like that). But one thing yesterday i put her in her cage and soon as i put her in there she shit. and she hasnt shit in the cage for years and it smelled like 'parvo shit'. but could be some other intestinal issue. shes also limping and not standing oher back left leg. their is some weird black shit stuck to her front paw which is uncharacteristic of her because she is well groomed. i also ruled out parvo because i have another dog who's just fine. i'm starting to think somebody poisoned her amd ,y girl think the same. i have already had an incident with the neighbors fucking wit my dogs. I'm just worried for the most part because she isnt eating much if any i gave a small can of food and she ate it from her belly, but never got up. so maybe she's bouncing back. well i got so tied up in this post i let my blunt go out. thx for the concern cowboy. You a denver fan?
Is she drinking water?
It is super important, if you have moved to a new area parvo could have been uncovered in the yard.
If she isn't drinking either you need to start forcing her to drink right away!
Go to a health food store and get some colloidal silver and put 3 or 4 drops under the tongue 3 - 4 times a day
If she starts throwing up you need to get more water in her! You don't have time to waste if it has been several days!
I hate to be alarmist but that's how it starts and they are listless. I lost my girl like that.... was a weekend couldn't get to a vet and 2 days later she died.
**Make sure she stays hydrated that is most important and can save her by it self, the silver will kill the crud causing it!
** call a vet too, maybe they have something else to give her. If nothing else it will make you feel better!
also, if you ever have a parvo issue and cant afford the vet(my bill was 1200+) a diet of chicken broth and rice also try vanilla ice cream. the vets told me the rate of home survvival is less than 80%
Ya dude, it sounded like it and I hit the panic button on that one. I don't think I will go through dog ownership again, after her (her name was Jericoh) I don't wanna go through it any more. I know what you mean, I have had to bury too many that were dear to me. Especially her and holding her while she died so young was hard, she was a 2 year old rot. Sweet as could be and smarter than most people :D
Sounds like she could be bouncing back! Consider colloidal silver still, it is like natures antibiotic.
Ya, since then I have spoken to various vets about it to get a consensus of what could have been done. *sigh
Hope your girl gets better man!
Having smoked some of CC's Tahoe Kush I would agree. They have some awesome stuff.

That Tahoe is lovely, by buddy has an awesome SFV of theirs as well. TBH i would rate their gear highly as almost everything I have grown from them and their byproducts is fire.
so apparently i have some seeds in my powerkush cross, a lot of em. i'm not sure how the hell this happened but i'm not too happy about it, i'm thinking that it got pollinated by my male DOG that i had in the tent early on around the time the pk cros was a week old, because the seeds are fat and ripe. so i figured if it was a hermie issue a. i would have seen some male flowers because there is so many seeds in this plant. and b. the seeds are fully ripe, i figure if it hermied the seeds wouldn't be as mature idk tho. i dont even know if i should keep em??

so now i'm almost sure its dog x powerkush

Here some pics, kinda busy so not many of em. i went to the hydro store to get a few other things but they didnt have root plugs, or big bloom. so i gotta order em offline.

Dog Kush's going into flower.


the male was the one on the left. thing is this female that i have now looks nothing like powerkush and smells like a dog would. a smell that is easily recognizable. now im gonna pop more because this one is nice but im sure i can find a non stretcher in there somewhere.

heres a pic

sup T!

unexpected beans eh!? they look too ripe to be hermie if you ask me.

quite a stretch on that pooch man, maybe it's the satty pheno that hc had?!
pics or it didn't happen, lol. I have only asked HC about 600 times for pics of these so called Male DOGs lol. Begining to sound like a broken record.

Herm plants can produce male offspring, but it's a million to one shot and I haven't seen any that would last through to staying male (which is different, than a plant that just produces males sacs, then grows pistils.)

Anyway, the AWESOMENESS of having a MALE DOG seems to be getting played down. FFS someone please show me a full on bonafied MALE DOG PIC NOW!!!! lmao.
how did you get a male DOG?

i ahve NO idea. DST says it nay have been a hermie.BUT Highlander has a male too that he has had for a while.

Your dog has a double dose of og kush genetics as far as I know, which makes it a candidate for wonky offshoots. That is what I think purists are really referring to when they dis on og crosses and seed form. my 2 cents... and it's just 2 cents....
pics or it didn't happen, lol. I have only asked HC about 600 times for pics of these so called Male DOGs lol. Begining to sound like a broken record.

Herm plants can produce male offspring, but it's a million to one shot and I haven't seen any that would last through to staying male (which is different, than a plant that just produces males sacs, then grows pistils.)

Anyway, the AWESOMENESS of having a MALE DOG seems to be getting played down. FFS someone please show me a full on bonafied MALE DOG PIC NOW!!!! lmao.


Ahahaha my funny man from the dam :) Pics are over here of him....... last time bru ; !)
Cheers HC, I checked him/it out, lol. Def looks liek it has some genes shared in there from somewhere. Quite runty for a DOG, or it's an HB leaner. Either way will be nice to see in full bloom(ers) Cheers lah,

My dog is dying. She's in the house with me. But she's dying right in front of me. I'm assuming she's brain-dead or in a coma. she can't move, so i tried to move her so i could get her some water and she tried to lift herself and then she just pissed all over the floor and it was almost an orange color. her nose is bleeding, and she is bleeding from the mouth(not w/ slob but she is slobbing) its dripping. her respiratory rate is at 42 bpm(for over 2 hours). but last night she could barely breath at all, we put her in the bathroom with hot water running for 10 minutes to help with the chest congestion I already called animal services. they said up to 48 hours and if she dies put her in a bag on the curb. i just dont want to see her die.