Well-Known Member
Is she drinking water?
It is super important, if you have moved to a new area parvo could have been uncovered in the yard.
If she isn't drinking either you need to start forcing her to drink right away!
Go to a health food store and get some colloidal silver and put 3 or 4 drops under the tongue 3 - 4 times a day
If she starts throwing up you need to get more water in her! You don't have time to waste if it has been several days!
I hate to be alarmist but that's how it starts and they are listless. I lost my girl like that.... was a weekend couldn't get to a vet and 2 days later she died.
**Make sure she stays hydrated that is most important and can save her by it self, the silver will kill the crud causing it!
** call a vet too, maybe they have something else to give her. If nothing else it will make you feel better!
Well, i have been giving her water. i have ruled out parvo iv'e lost a handful of dogs to parvo over the past few years. She is also a parvo survivor (she had it when i bought her) her vaccines are updated as of this summer when i vaccinated her latest litter. She is not eating other than that she isnt showing the signs of parvo, she's drooling but no vomit(hurts to see her like that). But one thing yesterday i put her in her cage and soon as i put her in there she shit. and she hasnt shit in the cage for years and it smelled like 'parvo shit'. but could be some other intestinal issue. shes also limping and not standing oher back left leg. their is some weird black shit stuck to her front paw which is uncharacteristic of her because she is well groomed. i also ruled out parvo because i have another dog who's just fine. i'm starting to think somebody poisoned her amd ,y girl think the same. i have already had an incident with the neighbors fucking wit my dogs. I'm just worried for the most part because she isnt eating much if any i gave a small can of food and she ate it from her belly, but never got up. so maybe she's bouncing back. well i got so tied up in this post i let my blunt go out. thx for the concern cowboy. You a denver fan?