Still Growing.400watt/Multi-Strain

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member

ive often wondered that myself i pop mine in a plastic butter tub a foot or so above my veg cfl. i dont even know the temp but its pretty warm.


Well-Known Member
they are in a dark room, but after further inspection they should all be popped by tomoz.

edit: i hope my little warmer aint too hot for em, does anybody know how much heat seedling mats usually produce. this heat mat is only 8 watts and wasnt that hot at all.
I put mine over a regular heating pad that my girl uses for cramps and shit, it doesnt get too hot though i dont think


Well-Known Member
Hey GJambo, my CC and CC x L are popping out the shells now, i had to replant a cherry cheese cuz my pup ate it.

on another note, its Super Sunday so im off to get ready..Go Greenbay!
See the Packers done it! Some party at the cowboy's i imajine lol, how you doing bro!:eyesmoke: My CC x L is at around 2 week seedling stage, so close by your's mate :)


Well-Known Member
either floater is super sativa or my leaves are in a rut. Anyone seen leaves this think on a seedling.

none of my other seedlings have or have ever done this.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
damn man thats a gnarley looking first set of leaves! hang on its floater right!? you know what my floater was fucked up like that. didnt grow past about 8 inches. flowered and got about a bong rip out of it. ill see if ive still got the pics. its a vintage tga bean right?



Well-Known Member

ive often wondered that myself i pop mine in a plastic butter tub a foot or so above my veg cfl. i dont even know the temp but its pretty warm.
i put mine ontop of a wet cloth, i believe they are good. i feel like popping in soil is faster. but losing seeds in soil suck.

I put mine over a regular heating pad that my girl uses for cramps and shit, it doesnt get too hot though i dont think
im hopin im not cookin the seed!
See the Packers done it! Some party at the cowboy's i imajine lol, how you doing bro!:eyesmoke: My CC x L is at around 2 week seedling stage, so close by your's mate :)
Lol. yea im good. n mine are comin up behind ya. how long u gon veg for?

That be a funky seedling Bro! Can't say i've had one quite like that lol (mabe turn out a beauty haha)
i kno its weird
At first from the firt pics i was like wtf is he talking about now i see...
yea its so skinny u cant see it on big pics.
damn man thats a gnarley looking first set of leaves! hang on its floater right!? you know what my floater was fucked up like that. didnt grow past about 8 inches. flowered and got about a bong rip out of it. ill see if ive still got the pics. its a vintage tga bean right?
Lol, if mine does that then ill flower insyead of vegging. it isa crazy tho. maybe thats y he canned it?????


Well-Known Member
Lol, six weeks?? i dont even kno if id flower her. i doubt u even remember the buzz lol. im gonna see what i get soon tho. i had a sensi star get retarded on me b4.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
yeah you never know she might pull up next set of leaves but looking at it man id ont know lol hope so. no i dont remember the buzz man :(


Well-Known Member
dgt how was the smoke must have been kick assed
caus it was one ugly plant but when i was in highschool they used to say the ugly girls was the best in bed

T dont chop give it a chance let it grow for a while -can always chop later

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
dgt how was the smoke must have been kick assed
caus it was one ugly plant but when i was in highschool they used to say the ugly girls was the best in bed

T dont chop give it a chance let it grow for a while -can always chop later
Don't know about that, but the hottest chick in high school was great in bed hehe

Who bred the floater Tryna,,,is that a discontinued tga strain? If it is, go over and ask subcool. If you want to help guarantee a reply from him, dumb yourself down lol. After following that clown around last year I noticed a pattern with him lol