Still Heat Issues. I Don't Even Know Anymore.

Hey guys, i just got a 400w cool tube with a booster fan for my tent. I was really psyched to get this because iv'e had temperature problems for so long. I finally tested it out and my temp still sits at 90 degrees. I have two other fans blowing inbetween the the light and canopy. What else can i do besides buying a mini AC unit, or is that my only other option :-|. In the meantime im using cfl's to sprout them until i can get this issue fixed.



Well-Known Member
What is the temp right outside the tent, and where is your theormometer located within the tent?

I think alot of ppl get fooled into thinking their tent is too hot because they put their thermometer right beneath the lighting (canopy level) which is inaccurate. You want to measure the air temp of the tent not the radiant heat coming from your HID.


when are you running your cycle?

ive had the same type of temp problems since the beginning, and im beginning to think i may also need a mini ac

it helped my temperatures a little by removing the ballast from the tent, and also running my light cycle during the night when it is most cool
What is the temp right outside the tent, and where is your theormometer located within the tent?

I think alot of ppl get fooled into thinking their tent is too hot because they put their thermometer right beneath the lighting (canopy level) which is inaccurate. You want to measure the air temp of the tent not the radiant heat coming from your HID.
Its in the bottom middle of the picture laying on top of the bucket, i keep my house temp at 75. I run my cycle at night Dutch. 9pm-3pm


Well-Known Member
Where should i put the thermometer do you think?
According to the pic it's like 2-4 inches directly beneath a CFL, am I seeing that right? I bet the thermo is warm/hot to the touch where it is... right? That is misleading you...

Move it around, try to keep it out of direct light. Try it on the wall at different heights, on the floor, higher up in the tent (heat rises). I'm not saying your temps are ideal, but you may not have as bad of a problem as you think.


Well-Known Member
you should not have heat problems. How many cfm's is the fan? It should be fine, get some ducting and where it goes out of the tent put the dicting as far away from the intake as possible (into a diff room or vent return space in your house). But you should be fine.... idk why ur not. Check the heat on the top, set it on the ducting for your light....
According to the pic it's like 2-4 inches directly beneath a CFL, am I seeing that right? I bet the thermo is warm/hot to the touch where it is... right? That is misleading you...

Move it around, try to keep it out of direct light. Try it on the wall at different heights, on the floor, higher up in the tent (heat rises). I'm not saying your temps are ideal, but you may not have as bad of a problem as you think.

That's what i was thinking man! When i stuck my hand in my tent i was like there is no way its 90 degrees in here. Thank you, i'm going to try and rig it to the wall in a few different places and see what happens.
you should not have heat problems. How many cfm's is the fan? It should be fine, get some ducting and where it goes out of the tent put the dicting as far away from the intake as possible (into a diff room or vent return space in your house). But you should be fine.... idk why ur not. Check the heat on the top, set it on the ducting for your light....

The fan i have seriously pushes some air, i have the ducting rigged so its pulling air in at the bottom and blowing the hot air out the top. Lol i was almost considering putting ducting all around the wall of my room and connecting it to the air condition.


Well-Known Member
you can get an adapter to attach your intake ducting to the ac vent duct... i looked at them at menards. My heat was fine w/out it tho.


Well-Known Member
That's what i was thinking man! When i stuck my hand in my tent i was like there is no way its 90 degrees in here. Thank you, i'm going to try and rig it to the wall in a few different places and see what happens.
It baffles me, even here in this thread you have ppl advising you to go spend a shitload of money trying to fix a problem that probably doesn't exist. There is no cooling solution that will eliminate that radiant heat you can feel directly beneath the lights. The plants can deal with a radiant temp higher than 85F.

Your most accurate reading would probably be in the shade at the same height as the canopy.
I think around 90-95 they stop taking in CO2, but ive heard some strains that were grown in hot climates and adapted to it. Thanks for the advice guys, I'm relieved.


ive never had any physical signs of heat stess with temps sometimes above 95, but i guess it also depends on the strain

they survive outdoors at those temps :idea:


Well-Known Member
They say 90F is the temp at which plant growth stops.
That's absolutely not true. Right now it's a constant 85 outside, and in my grow room (my hood isn't air coolable, still waiting for my new one) it's about 95-100 and my plants are doing alright. Probably not as good as when I get my new reflector in the mail but they're definitely growing.


Well-Known Member
I think around 90-95 they stop taking in CO2, but ive heard some strains that were grown in hot climates and adapted to it. Thanks for the advice guys, I'm relieved.
That's not true. A mj plant will definitely grow even at 100F+, though it may not be ideal and it may cause the plant stress (which brings along with it all the negative effects of stress). But they do still grow and live.


Well-Known Member
I have mentioned some strains that will be fine in that temp, look man they grow outside dont they and it gets hot as shit outside. they will be ok with good air flow n love:-)

Swiss cheese
ak47/kali mist


Well-Known Member
That's absolutely not true. Right now it's a constant 85 outside, and in my grow room (my hood isn't air coolable, still waiting for my new one) it's about 95-100 and my plants are doing alright. Probably not as good as when I get my new reflector in the mail but they're definitely growing.
I only said they say it, I didn't say whether it has any validity or not. But should have said "begins to stop", not stops altogether. Obviously we all know they don't just stop growing at 90F...