Still issues after cal mag? Confused


Well-Known Member
Hi all, plants are still not doing well after cal mag treatments as well as lowering water ph. Just got some soil probes and my soil ph is a little on the high side.
What is confusing me is that I have two other clones in the same medium as well as same water and they are fine. Looking at charts in regards to defiancys, still cant figure this out.
Last feeding was 5 days ago and I'm using a local bloom fert that my hydro store guy suggested to me.
It's a 2 part "quick grow" if any of you have heard of it.
Any help, much appreciated



Well-Known Member
How far into flower are your plants? It is normal for leaves to start yellowing the farther you get into flower and is actually a good sign as the plants don’t need nearly as much nitrogen in flower. Since we severely cut nitrogen feeding in flower, the little nitrogen the plants need will suck it out of the fan leaves, which is what you want. It is normal for some leaves to yellow 3-4 weeks into flower.

Be careful about flushing too much though... The water will drain all the good stuff outta your soil and can cause a whole other mess of problems


Well-Known Member
Calmag is not a cure all and is the most overused additive out there. And no it's not normal for a healthy plant to have yellow fan leaves at this stage. In fact you I usually harvest ripe plants with healthy green leaves.

"I'm using a local bloom fert that my hydro store guy suggested to me."

The hydro guy? What could go wrong?


Well-Known Member
What is your PH of your feed?

I would be feeding at 6.4-6.6.

Watch the calmag. Too much in flower can start some other issues as it does have nitrogen in it.


Well-Known Member
Ya I’m familiar with the fertilizer.are you in dirt?if so this could be something you did 2 weeks ago. Hard to tell but they do look under fed.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the replies all. 2 plants are in their third week of flowering.
They are in dirt and they have only had 2 feedings. First was at half strength, second full strength.
I have been giving them cal mag for around 4 weeks ( since the problems started).

Should I just lay off on everything and see if they bounce back?
Water is well water at around 6.8-7 ph.
Soil shows (with a probe) same as water ph.

Flushing should be last resort correct?
Thanks again all


Well-Known Member
These look to be in a green house no lights?your using wellwater??you should be able to find out what’s in your water.
Did they get any veg nutes before you switched?
It’s been cold at night lately what’s your day and night temps?
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Well-Known Member
Calmag is not a cure all and is the most overused additive out there. And no it's not normal for a healthy plant to have yellow fan leaves at this stage. In fact you I usually harvest ripe plants with healthy green leaves.

"I'm using a local bloom fert that my hydro store guy suggested to me."

The hydro guy? What could go wrong?

The stage he is at.... yes it’s normal for fan leaves to yellow 100% ... not ALL just some.... but more and more the later into flower they get. Mature, ripe plants will certainly ALWAYS have yellowing, faded leaves. The plant naturally does this near the end of its life cycle. A completely healthy plant late into flower HAS yellow leaves


Well-Known Member
It is an outdoor greenhouse grow. Daily temps have been it up 20 (Celsius) and nights are dipping to around 10.
During veg, they all only had around 3 feedings as they were growing really fast.
So in total, only around 5 to 6 feedings so far.
Well water ph is around 7 as is my soil, but I've been knocking the water down to 6.5 with ph-.
This is were I wonder if my problem is. Soil at 7?


Well-Known Member
So these aren’t really into flower yet? Just natural light. Or do you cover it up after 12? We’re at 14 hours of light today. So there just started so to speak. 10 is cold for Mj
I think you have a bunch of little things that are off. Hard to fix.


Well-Known Member
Soil ph of 7 is just fine... different strains and such will flower at different times, not necessarily at 14 hr days FYI. My granddaddy purple started to flower July 20th up here in Canada... All my others are about 2 weeks into flower except my BC big bud for some reason... still in stretch but days away now by the looks of it... not sure if she will finish in time. I have 5 others that have a good chance though I think! The big buds stretch is incredible! mine has grown like at least a foot and a half in the last 10 days


Well-Known Member
Agree Mike, hard to pinpoint this down.
All natural light light, no covering.

I'm in bc saws, I have 2 bruce bana that are close to 8' tall now...had no idea that they would get that big. Topped them as well as lst and their still going. That's why I wondered if my pot sizes are to small and they are root bound.
Really hate to try and transplant them this far along


Well-Known Member
Wassnt able to open your pic on my phone,On my 55" smart tv i can see them now.You got good buds already!
My guess is not enough food,the calmag did nothing you say so needs P and K.
How many ml to litre did you give them last?Of the bloom fertilizer
sure does look like N def,did the yellow start on the outside and move in?or middle and move out?Did you give food and calmag or just calmag?


Well-Known Member
I'd say outside moving in myke.
This is the fert I am using. Fed them last sunday as per instructions on fert bottles.
40ml of bloom and 40 ml of pro nitro per 8 litres water.
Cal mag at 5 ml per 4 litres as well.



Well-Known Member
Wife fed them just cal mag and water on Wednesday. I'm just wondering. They are looking thirsty again and just wondering if I should just water or keep feeding?


Well-Known Member
Like skoal said about the cal mag... know what your putting in the soil.

Cal mag has some N and your plants are really not needing much of N anymore but much more P and K. No more cal mag if you just fed them imo. Epsom salts if you haven’t maybe...


Well-Known Member
So thats was a strong mix,never go more then half of what the bottle says.Just water for now id say.


Well-Known Member
Also Google magnesium def/tox
.green vanes yellow leafs.Hope it helps.
Your pic from 3 weeks ago u can see the tips starting to yellow,Ive had this before in hydro,thought it was over fert turned out to be under feed.But your in dirt so hopefully someone more qualified then me sees this.
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