nice im trying to look up some good companion plants for my later grows that can stand the same temps. only ones i can think of though is cacti lmfao. we grow some pretty big ass cacti at my house.
Companion plants for cannabis?
i mean like plants i can grow in my grow space along with cannabis not so much like "companionship" type thing idk if that makes any sense. i can grow um outdoors just the fact that our garden is infested with bugs and tons of other plants so they wouldn't be as healthy.
Well you can plant anything then. Cannabis will grow in a wide variety of climates, including most vegetables.
Pick what you want to eat and plant it. I grow my early peas at the base of my outdoor cannabis so they climb the bottom after they're lollipopped. They fix the N so the ganja can eat it right up. Works real well. Usually they are still going after the weed harvest so I just leave the base in the ground and take everything else.
yea i might do some herbs but it's fairly hot here and humid some do well outside though others no so much end up dead eventually. think the heat is just too much for um. wont be for a long time though just need more space in the closet to do so.
Usually, I pull 2 outdoor harvests a year, but not this year. Harvested an indoor crop this winter, so no need.
An early spring crop might be your solution if temps are an issue. Or early fall. Just a thought.
temps here usually stay the same all year round with winter being slightly.. colder mostly due to the rain and less hours of light though. otherwise we can pull year round crops even with cannabis lol. it all varies though like at my house we grow banana's and papaya's they do extremely well but some stuff like flowers not so much. my parents like to buy flowers that prefer colder weather i guess but they typically don't last very long they eventually dry up.
im mainly interested in plants that will benefit our garden with insects like bee's and lady bugs we used to have an abundance of both but now nothing only bugs we get are the pest kind lmfao. in a few months imma try my hand at growing sunflowers outside though
I was thinking of doing sunflowers this year too lol.
Anyhow, sounds like you live in a "tropical region" so I'm not very familiar with what insects you may have.
I plant a lot of dill, coriander, marigolds and have a lot of wild yarrow that attract a lot of "good" insects. Mostly lacewings, lady bugs, and honey bees. The lacewings and lady bugs eat aphids and mites and the honey bees, they do their thing lol. Only thing is, those insects are good until they aren't, especially the lady bugs.
That's where the diatomaceous earth comes in handy. Doesn't kill the lady bugs, but keeps them at bay along with most everything else.
Birds are actually more of a pain in the ass because I have to net off all my berry and small fruit bushes. I've tried those "boom sticks", scarecrows, and pie pans... To no avail. So I got cats lol. They help.
The circle of life... Use it to its fullest.
Beautiful grow! That jhxbb sounds amazing...where's your blueberry from?
Try hanging some old CD's around your garden. It 'Suppose' to scare off birds somehow but I never had great success with it... expecially since we throw bird seeds out front for the cardinals and squirrels.
we got bunch of aphids no lady bugs XD we used to have caterpillars but chopped down that plant so now there are less. only insect i do see a lot here at my house now are japanese beetles. they ain't do much it seems but the grubs look nasty af. i see a lot of flies but the gecko's eat um up eventually. i want to grow some carnivorous plants though or mushrooms as well mushrooms are cool to grow imo. i use a mushroom bag for my co2 generator but idk if it will even produce actual mushrooms or not. supposed to be blue oyster mushrooms hopefully they grow so i can cook um but i think it wont due to the light
Nice! I just finished my blueberry from dj short! Awesome! Please keep us posted on them I'd love to see them!
We waiting for the pellet gun to get back from being sighted in, then e taking care of the cat problem.
Anyhoo... time for me to head up front to eat and watch TV. You guys take care and good luck on your grows.![]()