Still no proof John "play the race card" Lewis was called n*gger


Well-Known Member
How about if I come to where you work, take a big fuckin shit on the floor, then smear it in your bosses face. Is that okay?
since i work for myself in other people's homes, i'd probably be forced to shoot you before you got your pants down. after all, i'm sure i could justify it to myself as self-defense. what with you breaking into the house and advancing on me in a menacing manner, i'd most certainly be in fear for my life. i might do a little time for my unregistered firearm, but that's about it. i've had a long time to get pretty damn good at hiding the bodies.:bigjoint:


New Member
Great one UTI... :lol:

I was accosted years ago by a cretin in Miami once while I was working on a lake shore. He was wielding a knife and demanded my wallet.

"give me ur wallet"

"no, first we will have a knife fight"

"you don't have one"

" I intend on using yours"

He walked away.... :mrgreen:


New Member
We are looking for proof of the "accusation"... which was that someone yelled nigger. Not spit.

Like I said... the 10k is quite safe.
There would never be any proof of someone shouting 'nigger' because it was damn loud there. But what we have here is someone spitting on a black Congressman, which no one disputes is even more heinous. So do I believe that these folks were not yelling 'nigger'? Not at all. It would be more unlikely that it didn't happen.


New Member
But that is NOT the point of the OP's thread. Not the point of the 10K.

The Congressman made a VERY specific charge..... with ZERO proof....even though the entire thing was recorded. Only HE heard it.... uhhuh...right.



Well-Known Member
But what we have here is someone spitting on a black Congressman, which no one disputes is even more heinous.
according to the footage you've displayed, the spitting incident may very well have been more unintentional than an act of hatred. so what is this "heinous" crime that has been committed? is it that the opposition dared to protest against a "black congressman"? if that is all it takes to commit a hate crime, we are well on our way to that totalitarian state that the progressives have so long dreamed of.

So do I believe that these folks were not yelling 'nigger'? Not at all. It would be more unlikely that it didn't happen.
you really should hang your brain out to dry after a washing like that. this knee jerk condemnation of tea party activists as racists shows a prejudice born of drinking the partisan kool-aid of that party of victimhood. next i suppose you'll be claiming that rangel was framed by the kkk.


Well-Known Member
according to the footage you've displayed, the spitting incident may very well have been more unintentional than an act of hatred. so what is this "heinous" crime that has been committed? is it that the opposition dared to protest against a "black congressman"? if that is all it takes to commit a hate crime, we are well on our way to that totalitarian state that the progressives have so long dreamed of.

you really should hang your brain out to dry after a washing like that. this knee jerk condemnation of tea party activists as racists shows a prejudice born of drinking the partisan kool-aid of that party of victimhood. next i suppose you'll be claiming that rangel was framed by the kkk.
Racism!!! Now that the left have their black president that's all that needs to be charged and immediately the debate is over. If I look at a black person wrong I can be called a racist (this actually happened to me after a black woman rudely bumped into my wife and didn't apologize). These libs need to quit hiding behind the charge of racism all the time. Racism is someone showing up in KKK garb. Racism is someone calling a black person 'nigger'. Racism is hanging an effigy of a black person, or burning a cross in a black family's yard. I've seen nothing here which proves that this black congressman was the victim of a racist act. :-P

You libs need to quit being candy asses and debate the issues instead of throwing out the race card every time you feel cornered by the debate..............just sayin'.:o


New Member
I guess all of you are right. It would be absolutely ridiculous for me to believe that anyone yelled 'nigger' in that whole protest. In fact, the poor tea partiers are the victims here, those poor babies...

Fuckin a folks, it is not that I think any one of you are racist but the type of thinking you are displaying is what allows racism to continue to exist.

As for the affirmative action remark, please explain to me why one group of folks who have been forced to deal with centuries of racism, slavery, and institutionalized discrimination (as well as socioeconomic and achievement gaps) should not be shown some small amount of preference over someone else who has not had to deal with such adversity?


Well-Known Member
As for the affirmative action remark, please explain to me why one group of folks who have been forced to deal with centuries of racism, slavery, and institutionalized discrimination (as well as socioeconomic and achievement gaps) should not be shown some small amount of preference over someone else who has not had to deal with such adversity?
How can "preference" be measured in "small", or "large"? Is there a specific formula we serfs should follow, or is it just a subjective thing? :cuss:


New Member
See, if you don't hear the word nigger.... it is still considered "said".

If the entire speech is miked...and you still can't hear it.... there is something wrong with ... YOU, not them. :lol:

Baja doesn't need evidence...his mind is already made up... and closed for business.

Oh my.... focus!


Well-Known Member
In fact, the poor tea partiers are the victims here
but you see, we aren't looking for victims here. that is the tactic of those who refuse to take responsibility for their own actions. those folks are only demanding that their representatives act in a manner that honors the oaths they all took to abide by the tenets that this nation was founded on. there is criminal behavior and then there is behavior that is merely rude. the more we attempt to outlaw mere rudeness, the less we seem to discriminate between the two.

As for the affirmative action remark, please explain to me why one group of folks who have been forced to deal with centuries of racism, slavery, and institutionalized discrimination (as well as socioeconomic and achievement gaps) should not be shown some small amount of preference over someone else who has not had to deal with such adversity?
perhaps you can explain why it is that those who had no hand in such abuses should be forced to pay for the deeds of others. throughout history every group has been downtrodden and enslaved at one time or another and those abuses continue today. the notion that one group should be made to pay for those sad traditions merely because of the color of their skin and that others should profit from it because of the sins possibly perpetrated against their ancestors is ludicrous. affirmative action has never done anything more than reinforce inequalities and cause resentment on every side. it has created a culture of entitlement in a group that should be willing to join in with the rest in the struggle to succeed and weakened the unity of the people as a whole.


Well-Known Member
How can "preference" be measured in "small", or "large"? Is there a specific formula we serfs should follow, or is it just a subjective thing? :cuss:
Exactly! The whole idea of reparations or affirmative action is ridiculous. These types of things only serve to punish people who weren't alive when much of this racist crap happened. So let's marginalize another group in order to absolve ourselves of our sins of the past. How long should we have affirmative action? Many other groups have been persecuted and have pulled themselves up by the bootstraps without any kind of affirmative action. Somehow blacks are special I guess. :roll:


New Member
I guess you guys are all correct and I am wrong. There is no such thing as racism, institutionalized discrimination, a recent hostory of slavery and segregation in this country, socioeconomic imbalance, and the acievement gap. I made those things up because they make me sound smart and black people are just fine, they just need to try harder.

April Fools, fuckers!


New Member
Because we all know no thread has ever deviated from whatever the original post was about, not on a stoner forum. Why don't you keep up, and tell me how wrong I am?


New Member
You have never focused on the thread.... because you have no answer to give....

like a child... it's what about this...or this...or this... waaah waah waah. :lol:

Remember Luke.... stay on target.


Well-Known Member
I guess you guys are all correct and I am wrong. There is no such thing as racism, institutionalized discrimination, a recent hostory of slavery and segregation in this country, socioeconomic imbalance, and the acievement gap. I made those things up because they make me sound smart and black people are just fine, they just need to try harder.

April Fools, fuckers!
I never made any of those claims. You did. Why is it acceptable to marginalize an entire populace just so you can attone for the sins of the past? I've had these same discussions with blacks and I never get a satisfactory answer. Affirmative action/reparations doesn't fix anything. It actually creates even more tension and inequality. Could it be because that's what the powers that be want? bongsmilie

kool cat

Active Member
In My Opion, All the Teenie bobbers Should Fore Once Grow Up, Saying Your Over 18 Dos not Mean, You Are Over 18.There Are Adults That still Ack Like Teeny Boppers, Race Is A Thing Of The Past. Learn To Live An Toke Together.As I am Married To a person Of Another Race!!! , i Am Alot Happer now , Than Before. They Should Start A TEENIE BOPPER THRED TO SATIFY ALL OF THEM HERE.