still no vapor from my iolite


i watched a video on youtube in which the smoker blew out huge clouds of vapor after taking a hit. people with iolites, is this how yours works too?

Illegal Smile

I don't have an iolite but there are times when I don't exhale anything visible from my vape and I think I didn't get anything - then suddenly I realize I'm wrecked.


Well-Known Member
the iolite is portable. i really like the concept of not needing to plug it into the wall.
Mine works ...OK... LOL. you have to take out the moisture collection thingy and only fill it loosely..(so like half full) for it to be the most effective. It is nothing like my heat gun and volcano kit. I think I am just gonna get a 12v heat gun and another volcano kit for portability. I guess I am stuck with joints in the outback. Iolite= waste of money.


ok... i get a very light hit of vapor. it takes longer to smoke a bowl, roughly 5 mins. I get a strong effect after all. just wish i could get bigger hits.


Well-Known Member

Hey Vaporman

Sorry to hear about the Iolite. I have one too and find that it's totally useless, I would go to the beach for a couple hour walk with my dogs and after awhile I wouldn't even take the Iolite out of my pocket. That being said here are the guys to talk to about making yours work as well as it can:


I fixed the problem by picking up a Launch Box at about 1/3 the price. The thing is amazing, a conduction machine that heats up in 3 seconds and will give you a hit that will choke you. Takes a 10 second draw but it's worth it. I have two Volcanos but could use the Launch Box as a full time vaporizer if needed. Rechargeable, replaceable power source; life time replacement warranty for any reason, including operator misuse.


The other portable vaporizer that will work amazingly well is the Supreme, at 2/3 the cost of the Iolite. The Supreme uses a butane lighter torch for a heat source and has a temperature gauge and takes about 5 minutes to warm up. Good for a Volcano size hit in the same time it takes to draw from a bag, better for a half dozen people at the beach where the Launch Box is great for a personal vaporizer. Taste should be better with the Supreme because it's a convection. Each has it's strengths and weaknesses, both are effective and efficient.


I've made simple Supreme style vaporizers with cermaic tubes and they work amazingly well, I'm going to hook up an electric oven thermometer to manage temperature. I can adjust the flame level on this butane torch, it lets me keep the ceramic temperature more constant. The thermometer should help a lot.




Well-Known Member
only problem with the launch box is longevity of use.. it does for sure give you a thick ass hit of vapor after only about 10 seconds, but after a minute the battery dies and you have to recharge it. if you wanted to take it out with you all day, or heaven forbid on a camping trip, you'd need 50 lbs. of batteries. Iolite runs on a little butane, one fill will let you vape for about 2 hours.

I do see vapor in my exhale from the iolite, but not always. the flavor lets you know you're getting the vapor. try just using it first thing in the morning, and don't smoke anything else all day other than the Iolite. see how you feel


Well-Known Member

Steadmanclan do you have a Launch Box that you're having trouble with? One rechargeable battery lasts me for a trench, I take a hit every 5 minutes or so over a two hour walk with my dogs every day. When I first got the Box I made sure that I had 6 batteries charged all the time. Since I've gotten use to how it works I just make sure I have two when I go out, one for a back up which I haven't had to use yet. Quick chargers come with car chargers for trips. Pretty close to the ideal portable for me, the battery just keeps going and going, and a trench seems to last forever with good hits.

I'm going to get a Supreme too, I think the hits will be stronger and the taste better - but it takes 5 minutes to warm up and that doesn't fit with my walks very well. The fast heat up of the Box makes it like a Purple Days that is always ready to go.

I can't say enough good things about it.




Well-Known Member
Hobbes.. no I don't own one personally, but a good friend of mine has one. i considered purchasing one, but the whole battery issue is what steered me away. other than that it is a very very good product. i just run my iolite pretty much all day everyday, and the launch box was not going to keep up with me.

Tell me this Vaporman: if you wait 2 or 3 minutes -after you load a fresh chamber, and swtch on the heater- do you smell the vapor around the mouthpeice?


I got my iolite to work! i let the loaded bowl heat up for a min or so, then take smallish hits, allowing the bowl heat up for a couple of seconds between draws.
i am so happy!


Well-Known Member

What did you do differently? How much did you put in the bowl? Did you fill the bowl on the unit with the metal center stick or the bowl in the mouth piece?

Thanks, I'd love to get mine working too. How well does it work? Could you get a lung full that would make someone cough?




i lightly pack the bowl on the mouth piece. very little vapor is visible when you hit it. if you hit it and just take a mouth full and puff it out, you will see a fairly dense wisp of vapor. i let the bowl reheat for about 30 seconds to a minute between hits. each lung full is taken in light pulls on the mouth piece. it seems to be as efficient as a desktop vap. Im just so happy it finally works!


Well-Known Member

Thanks Vaporman, I'll give mine another try tonight. If you took your time on a long inhale how much vapor could you get in your lungs? Enough to make an average person cough?

thanks again!




Well-Known Member
my good friend just coughed up a hit off of mine... so i guess the answer is yes...

let out all of your breath, and rip it as hard as you can until your lungs are full..