Still trying to figure this out


okay, my last thread concluded with some people saying ph lockout, others saying a bit of nitrogen deficiency so I gave 'em 5 gallons of 6.5 ph water. Then after gave them all grow mutes which led to them warping and a bit of tip burn which I immediately countered with yet another 5 gallons of water. I have not given them nutes since, only water. Since then they've shown much progress and growth, which they had previously lacked, but I'm still having the same deficiency, which I believe to be potassium. So, I guess what I'm asking is, where do I go with this now?



Well-Known Member
Don't give it anything. The one guaranteed fix for most all ill's is to flush the plant. Then wait a couple days and pot up at least 2X, i.e., 2 to 4 , 3 to 6 etc with a quality mix. Wait one to two weeks and you'll be golden. Under NO circumstances to you feed her anything


Well-Known Member
Also, I highly recomend smart pots, they eliminate root circling(most likely a contributing factor in your situation) and really increase oxygen in the root zone.


Don't give it anything. The one guaranteed fix for most all ill's is to flush the plant. Then wait a couple days and pot up at least 2X, i.e., 2 to 4 , 3 to 6 etc with a quality mix. Wait one to two weeks and you'll be golden. Under NO circumstances to you feed her anything

Also, I highly recomend smart pots, they eliminate root circling(most likely a contributing factor in your situation) and really increase oxygen in the root zone.
Mmmkay, so it's been about 3 weeks since I flushed the second 5 gallons, because I gave it nutes immediately after the first flush do I have to wait even longer? Also I can't pot these up, they're already in five gallon pots.

Will definitely look into smart pots next time I'm at the shop, totally been having oxygen problems when I flush, plants droop like hell heheh.


Well-Known Member
Just flush to clear what you have already fed. The wait is to let the pot dry out a bit so the transplant goes easier. Also, make sure you bust up that root ball. Why can't you pot up? A 10 gallon smart pot is like $8 and those plants will flourish in a 10 gallon pot.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't bust up the rootball. You are potting up not revegging. Score the rootball with a sharp knife if you want when potting up.
Im currently having the excact same problem right now, I plan on in the next day or so completely flushing with 6.5 and then starting over so il let you know how it goes. After that il do half strenght a couple time and spray with a micronutrient. Il let you know how it goes and if yours starts to look better deff let me know. It drove me crazy for the first couple days because i thought it might be N because it looked ecactly like that to me and these things our huge and drink like a sailor so i thought it might be N Def, not to mention Bloom Nuts have hardly any N in them aside from Micro-The only reason i had any skeptisim of this is because i am further than you, im about 3.5 weeks in
I thought i would update you on my problem, i decided to hit the plants with a couple rounds of nuts at a little higher strenght, slight increasing the Nitrogen ratio, Gave a 3/4 of cal/mag, and did that over a couple days. They started to green right up. I will say this if you plan on trying this, these plants are huge in 5 gallon pots topped twice. I use a Bacterial and Fungal microorganism solution which greatly increases root mass and speeds up the chemical processes that take place, basically the bacteria and fungi break nuts down to the simplest form and also help convert nitrogen and P and K (different strains of bacteria). I am in school and studying Microbiology hence why i started using these products. I also spray with Fulvic/humic acid. I am telling you all this because it does affect the rate and efficeincy of Nitrogen used by a plant and other nuts used by the plants-i also use a catalyst, I suspect i will have to feed these girls pretty heavy (and im of the lesser is better mentality)


Well-Known Member
It's interesting that you say that because I started feeding heavier after my flush too. It could have been lack of nutes in my case as well. That's why once you get something that works, it's hard to change. Never know if it's too much, not enough, something missing, bugs, etc. Very hard to distinguish the root cause without lots of experience.


Just came home after having my buddy take care of the plants while I was away visiting family, they've been overwatered for fourish weeks given no nutrients. All the tops looking like this, and the already present potassium deficiency is a bit more developed. Lower growth is relatively greener than the top.



New Member
I'm basing it off of the yellow leaves being more toward the bottom. What happens is the plant leeches the nutes from the lower stuff to the upper, so, if you have an N def, the lower leaves will usually start to yellow before the upper.