still trying to nail down this nutrient problem- recognize it?


New Member
I been fighting this issue for quite a while now. I have tried epsom salt spray. Ive added N, Ive lowered ph to 6.8 from 7, Ive added lignite, Ive added calcium. While I have seen some improvement. The leaves still have a pale "golden" hue to them. It appears mild but the plant is just not as vigorous as it should be and new growth looks weak. The plant just dosnt look healthy and it is growing a little slower than it should be.


Active Member
relax no nute problem there at all, its just the plants reaction to something in the environment


Well-Known Member
i wouldn't worry about it. they look a bit hot though, which i'm guessing if from your growing outside? You really only need to worry about nute problem if it keeps persisting. Things from the environment may deform or discolor leaves but it passes most of the time. Or at least that's what i've found.


Active Member
Looks like slight heat stress by the way your leaves are clawing and it could need a little nitrogen as well.


New Member
I'll try some more N, I think it's more than heat stress, the leaves have not been right on this plant for over a month now. It's not that bad, But it annoys the hell out of me that I cant get the plant in perfect health. It should be twice as big by now. 7/9/11 and 7/27/11



Well-Known Member
How much sunlight does she get? First pic looks like it was topped or am I wrong? Because this will affect growth a lot. They look pretty green but if your outside It seemed like for me I couldn't give enough Nutes if you have proper sunlight. \
You say pics are 18days apart you are right though you should have way more growth.


New Member
receives direct sunlight from an hour after dawn till around 6 or 7 at night.
It was not topped, It was grown from a cutting. It suddenly branched out all on it's own a couple weeks ago. Plant just decided it wanted a bunch of tops I guess.


Well-Known Member
Ya 1hr isn't a lot but she looks pretty stacked and not lanky. I had one get about 7ft topped and was getting full sun from 630am to 6pm then shaded till 9-930 on longest days so you might not be getting enough light. The leaf curl looks like heat but there not fried and they don't look that yellow.


Well-Known Member
Looks like that cutting may have come from a mum that had issues. Dont try too hard with the nutes etc(you prob got it right), as it may just perform this way till finish.