Still Yellowing


Active Member
Hmm alright so lets see how they do with the yellowing as time passes. Hopefully it doesnt get worse. So you think the fact that since I flushed and transplanted they will get better after the adjustment period?


Well-Known Member
Alright so Ill up the N and treat for a possible fungus problem? At the moment I have a product called Garden Safe 3-in-1 product, it says its a Fungicide, Insecticide, and Miticide. Will this work? The active ingredient for it is Clarified Hydrophobic Extract of Neem Oil.
Is it a foliar spray or a drench? Dont spray Neem in hot bright light. I've seen too many burn issues.


Active Member
I sprayed and made sure not to spray when they were under the sun. I dont think my problem was the disease though.