stinkbus pound every 3 weekk system, whos runnin 1???


Well-Known Member
whos running a system like that?? what r ur yeilds looking like??? r u really pullin a pound off each unit??? i ask cuz i was gonna go with ebb and flow but now thinking this system would be less clones to deal with, easier to flush and cheeper to make then a flood table... but $ talks so lets hear sum stories to make my mind up... think 1 unit (14 plants) in the fashion that he runs it, would be more then a 4x4 table with 50 no veg clones??? the same??? less???


Active Member
Not to sure about that system, but i would assume if someone does it right it would work. But you are posting in the aerogarden section. So not to sure if you are gonna get the right answer.

Bob Smith

Well-Known Member
Aerogardens are suspending in the air, generally about twenty feet high, usually in a tree.

Hydro is done in the middle of the ocean.

I think.


Well-Known Member
hahahaha I think he's joking.. I hope...

And aero is a form of hydro.. its all water son...
This is a aerogarden specific forum... so you have a point there..

"aerogardens" are small prefabbed kitchen hydroponics systems.. you can pick them up at stores around town or on the interweb...



all of you haters, if you would have read and memorized your high times over the years you would realize what resinraider's talking about, it IS an ag system that can be harvested every three weeks
heres a link
the first two are cloning and veg, and the last one is the flowering system that im sure could be used throughout all cycles, which is aero