No matter what, you gotta shit on people who don't agree with every detail of your position. What an asshole.
You're the very definition of intolerant. Your party deserves to keep losing as long as attitudes yours are tolerated.
Was there anything non-factual in my post?
You talk about how you've done all you can for your kid when in reality you didn't do squat. Somebody else is paying for your daughter's education and support. You didn't do what you could, which was address your own problems so that you can become a father to your daughter. Instead, it's excuses from one moment to the next.
This isn't kindergarten. Do you actually think that other adults are fooled by your fake humility? Also, this isn't about Democrat or Republican, it's about being human. You shirked your duty to your daughter. Then excused yourself.
"But hey! I have a benefactor who spent enough money that I'm not feeling guilty about it. So it's OK." yuck.
"My parents are why I'm fucked up". "Not my fault" so there is
"nothing I can do about it even for the sake of my daughter". Bullshit.
I'm a father too.
"Doing anything for them" means a lot more to me than it does to you. You did not "do anything for her". You made excuses, blamed your parents, chucked a whole lot of coin your daughter's way and checked out on the one person who had no choice but to be your daughter.
What does "doing anything" mean to you? How about checking yourself into a substance abuse clinic or counseling for your anger management or psychiatric help in order to begin to deal with your personal issues? How about not resting until you've changed your life enough so that you can be a with your daughter as a father?
She's older and probably less accessible to you now. I can almost guarantee you, however, that she'd be thrilled if you could make the positive changes necessary so that you could become closer. I sense another excuse coming my way.
Blaming your parents is really scraping the floor for an excuse.
It's never your fault is it tty? Narcissistic jerk can't face his own failings.