Stolen plant and undecarbed tincture


Well-Known Member
Tried to be legal outside in Michigan. Everything locked up in the middle of 80 Acer's. Nobody but me and the farmer who rents the land knew about it. Went to check on it and someone had ripped up the fence and dug out a six foot tall plant. I was gone during the fourth for several hours. Went to retrieve my game camera and it was gone. Nobody but me knew about the camera. I'm pissed that was my meds for the winter/spring. Anyway was going to make some tincture from some trim. Forgot to decarb spent the last hour on the computer trying to find out how bad I screwed up my meds. Happy independence day. Any one know how to decarb a alchol tincture that is already made. Some sites say leave in the Everclear 4 months and it will decarb. If that is true I'll be out of meds before than.
Tried to be legal outside in Michigan. Everything locked up in the middle of 80 Acer's. Nobody but me and the farmer who rents the land knew about it. Went to check on it and someone had ripped up the fence and dug out a six foot tall plant. I was gone during the fourth for several hours. Went to retrieve my game camera and it was gone. Nobody but me knew about the camera. I'm pissed that was my meds for the winter/spring. Anyway was going to make some tincture from some trim. Forgot to decarb spent the last hour on the computer trying to find out how bad I screwed up my meds. Happy independence day. Any one know how to decarb a alchol tincture that is already made. Some sites say leave in the Everclear 4 months and it will decarb. If that is true I'll be out of meds before than.
Sounds like somebody told somebody,hopefully that somebody suffers
Like in hell cause I don't have meds for winter and spring and then I was distracted and messed up my fall meds. Where im at just can't pop into a desperary and buy new. No despensory and no money. Im pissed someone did this then I'm pissed at myself for not remembering the trim was not decarbed
Tried to be legal outside in Michigan. Everything locked up in the middle of 80 Acer's. Nobody but me and the farmer who rents the land knew about it. Went to check on it and someone had ripped up the fence and dug out a six foot tall plant. I was gone during the fourth for several hours. Went to retrieve my game camera and it was gone. Nobody but me knew about the camera. I'm pissed that was my meds for the winter/spring. Anyway was going to make some tincture from some trim. Forgot to decarb spent the last hour on the computer trying to find out how bad I screwed up my meds. Happy independence day. Any one know how to decarb a alchol tincture that is already made. Some sites say leave in the Everclear 4 months and it will decarb. If that is true I'll be out of meds before than.
Plant another plant? It wasn't flowering yet right?
You should be able to decarb still. Fully purge the alcohol, then continue to heat the remaining oil. After it's decarbed, dilute back into tincture.
I've done something similar, only with vegetable glycerin. Made an infusion with non-decarbed flower, then decarbed the tincture.
Also, go into the subforum here on RIU, Concentrates and Extracts, they'll get you on the right track. Some wizardry discussed in that forum.
No clones. Don't know any south Michigan growers. Everything is still new here and people are leary about communicating with each other. Also if they stole one they will be back. Don't have any seeds that would mature before cold weather. Thats why I'm so bummed. Wanted to not indoor grow in the summer but might have to. I have a few bag seed left. Was hoping to save money growing outside so I could get some good seed for fall and winter
Thats pretty shitty man! Im very worried about tweakers and assholes sneaking at night and cutting my plants. Im thinking about putting barbed wire around my fence. I wish I could put a motion senser machine gun turret and blow the assholes away. But I return to reality and realize im not Rambo! I do have a securtity camera and fully armed so someone will be real sorry if I caught them cutting my plants. Anyway man hope you can at least get indoor grow started. I know how you feel though about wanted grow in good old natural outdoors. Been dream of mine for a while and finally im in a legal state and lots of land to finally pursue it.
I had a hidden game camera but they took that too. In Michigan it' aginst the law to booby trap something even if it is in your house
I had a hidden game camera but they took that too. In Michigan it' aginst the law to booby trap something even if it is in your house
Damn didn't know there was a law for that. I actually didn't check the law here in oregon. I was mostly kidding though! Anyway id lose my head if someone did that to me!
I have grown for years with no problems. So when Michigan legalized it I decided to go legal. Built a nice fenced in covered area with locks and all. I think that was the problem. New farmer leased the land and he did it or told someone. Im going back to the old way and hide it. Don't have anything that would be ready by the time it Frost's so im down s bunch. Been growing for people that can't afford medication. My oldest patient is 90 and uses a nice coconut lotion for back pain every night. Sleeps through the night. He hadn't slept thru the night in years. Not a registered grower because like I said I grow for those that can't afford it. Been hard since my accident so now I'm my own patient too. I try to keep under the 12 plant limit but so many older people need meds.