

Active Member
someone stole 4 of my 6 plants and i have no idea who..they didnt even steal em the cut all the main branches n left the rootball and fan leaves...i might be bing parranoid but sum1 mentioned the police but i couldnt see them doin that..wut should i do with my xsisting 2 plants there

`SoA || Asi

Well-Known Member
son of a bitch
dunno bro tough onewhere the others ready
what about the 2 left how far away

any advice guys?


Active Member
there all a month away frm harvest..they took my 4 best..n the one was my baby.. the other to i moved but off my property jus n case..i wna kill sum1 if i find outn they jus left me 4 skeletons


Active Member
That sucks man...i doubt it was the cops. Is it on your property? or out in the woods somewhere? If its in the woods it could have been anyone that might hike or hunt but if it was at your house you have to look at anyone you told about your op.


Well-Known Member
That sucks man...i doubt it was the cops. Is it on your property? or out in the woods somewhere? If its in the woods it could have been anyone that might hike or hunt but if it was at your house you have to look at anyone you told about your op.

Damn man, that sucks ass :( I recommend planting in blackberry patches in the future as they are deterrents for people or wildlife that may want to eat/mess with your plants. You can dig a tunnel into a thick patch of blackberries and put your plants there or plant them there. I haven't done this myself but I have a friend who does it up in a local state park with much success :)


Active Member
it deff wasnt animals the stalks were cut clean and they were real was a person and i told noone...there nbtween my prop and my neighbors prop n a abbanded lot in the middle of briars and thorn bushes..not a thing was dropped not even a leaf but they left me the buckets with the main 4 sooo pissed after 6 months then this


Well-Known Member
it deff wasnt animals the stalks were cut clean and they were real was a person and i told noone...there nbtween my prop and my neighbors prop n a abbanded lot in the middle of briars and thorn bushes..not a thing was dropped not even a leaf but they left me the buckets with the main 4 sooo pissed after 6 months then this
Yea, that's pretty bitchtastic...any chance it was your neighbor?


Well-Known Member
i feel your pain i had 6 stolen, i waited til they were 4 feet before tranplanting them outside.. mine had 2 mos left went out there & gone. sucks, i will have 2 or 3 outdoor spots next year just in case.


Well-Known Member
Oh yes, one more piece of advice, I recommend planting or putting your cannabis plants in separate spots, each in their own secluded location. This way, you have more of a probability of reaching maturity and buds on at least 1

This also helps keep things stealthy


Active Member
lol no i wish that wlda been funny..there were about 4 weeks from harvest so they didnt get the biggest buds..i had 6 all in the same spot and the fucks only took 4 n left me my 2 runts lol...i questioned m nieghbor but she denied it..she is a 60 year old hippy lol consider it a devastating lesson learned..seperate all from now on...thanks guys for the support..glad sum1 feels my pain


Well-Known Member
lol no i wish that wlda been funny..there were about 4 weeks from harvest so they didnt get the biggest buds..i had 6 all in the same spot and the fucks only took 4 n left me my 2 runts lol...i questioned m nieghbor but she denied it..she is a 60 year old hippy lol consider it a devastating lesson learned..seperate all from now on...thanks guys for the support..glad sum1 feels my pain you have dogs? I recommend getting guard dogs next time if you're planning on the same spot. If not, I still recommend each plant in a separate spot

Bueno Time

Well-Known Member
Sucks complete ass bro! I would be so mad sad depressed angry pissed violent. Probably feeling alot of emotions about your babys. I just wish people could leave others shit alone and if they want to smoke some homegrown pot FUCKING GROW YOUR OWN WTF is wrong with people stealing plants? But then again if I saw some plants outdoor I cant really say that I wouldnt take em either. I guess its the nature of the game you gotta hide shit really well. Atleast they left you two but still that sucks majorly!


Active Member
oh ya..50 million emotions going strong guess i am at sum fault but i can honestly say if i seen sumones plants and they looked tookin care of i wouldnt touch them..neways thanx guys for all your cares


Well-Known Member
cops will always rip them out of the ground and burn em.

They dont bother to take the time to cut colas to save for themselves, (that we know of)


Active Member
sucks thieving basturds.I have planted inside corn fields by light poles with some success!sorry for your loss.


Well-Known Member
The spot has been compromised. If I was you I would tear the other two out of the ground and find a better spot for next year. The thief's will be back, no doubt.