Stone: Need Help First Time!


A few questions

How long about for vegitation stage and so on?

Also i heard when the plant gets to a certain height that your supposed to cut it so that it grows back but splits into two, any says on that would be super sweet.

also wanted to know how soon you can tell if you have males or females?

thanks for the help:wall:


Active Member
still kinda new to growing myself, at least start to finish. for the veg stage it all depends on how big/tall you want your plant. i vegged mine for 2 months, and i just started flowering about a week ago and when you flower its gonna double in size. im doing mine indoors so i cant have it that tall for my closet grow. and for topping/fimming your plant its all up to you. my brother topped his plant which somehow gave him 3 tops. for me i left mine alone because ive read that when you top/fim the plant it takes more out of growing and focuses more on repairing the damaged tissue where you cut the plant. so its all up to you on what you want you plant to do. and to tell if its a male/female plant you just have to wait till you put it into flowering, i could possibly be off a little on the info but read on and learn. its all about the fun and the learning of growing :). grow on my friend....grow on


Well-Known Member
ahhha you are the man, just what i needed!
theres so much info, you have to have the right temperature, humidity,lights, light spectrum,duration of light at different stages growth, medium, CO2?, nutrients, fans, strains, methods,...u should definitely check out a few threads or download a growing video.its so much fun but it takes a lot of patience and if u put alot of time into some new grow and it dies ur gonna be crazy pissed,lol...


Active Member
Flower when new branches begin to grow out unevenly.

What I mean is normally new growth comes like this --|--

Flower when the branches start to come out like this --|
Uneven beaches mean the plant is physically wanting to flower.


Active Member
Flower when new branches begin to grow out unevenly.

What I mean is normally new growth comes like this --|--

Flower when the branches start to come out like this --|
Uneven beaches mean the plant is physically wanting to flower.
hey thanks i never actually seen that till i just looked at my plant!!! thats whats up.