Stoned Driving

ok, your right.
stoned driving=dangerous speeding= perfectly safe

exactly mr brain af america,
if the traffic flow is going at 50, then stick to 50,
that way all the other drivers do not have to risk a head on collision while you
meander along the road stoned out of your fucking tree with your brain concentrating on the fucking scenery numb nuts.
exactly mr brain af america,
if the traffic flow is going at 50, then stick to 50,
that way all the other drivers do not have to risk a head on collision while you
meander along the road stoned out of your fucking tree with your brain concentrating on the fucking scenery numb nuts.

a "head-on"? i thought you were stuck behind me. :neutral:
THE LAW................

the law states that if the speed limit is 40 miles per hour then we are allowed 10 per cent above this to account for discrepances in speedometer accuracy, that is 44mph, if i am travelling at 50, you would love to be the cop to get me for 6mph over this now wouldnt you GRASS,
but you and your friend mr fucking meander he TROLLS along the road at 30mph looking at everybody else doing 50 that he is the wanker that needs to have hhis head examined and a great big fucking truck smash him head on.

wake up you fucking hash head fucks.

you said 40, now it's down to 30.

at this speed you should have caught me long ago. why aren't i tied to your chair already? weak sauce.
keep driving stoned you fucking scrotum, you will kill someone, be given a breath test for alcohol that will come up A+, then will have to provide a urine and blood sample.

then you will be raped to fuck in jail, WINK.

I'm not trying to promote impaired driving of any type, but that is what you get busted for - impaired driving. I've been pulled over while smoking a joint - like obviously smoking a joint; I put it out while the officer stood there and watched (shame on me, I agree), they took me out and made me do all of the intoxication tests. I passed all of the tests with flying colors so the police wrote me up a ticket for possession while operating a motor vehicle (pot equivalent of open container) and let me go.

I probably shouldn't have been speeding while smoking a J but in the end I wasn't found to be impaired. If when you smoke you are impaired then don't drive, if not...

Aside from all of that; I love smoking while I drive :)
Driving intoxicated will impair you. One toke might not do much but a couple bongs or one good en will, this is science there is no arguing this???

where's this science at?? your saying it doesn't make it science m8... i've been driving over 20 years, and i'd say a good 60% of that time i was high, or very high.. not once have i ever been in an accident when stoned.. not even close..
smoking bud is nothing like drinking and driving.. i can smoke 100 bong rips and get behind the wheel of a car and be fine.. i may be able to drink 4 beers and get behind the wheel and kill a family of four, which is why i don't drink and drive, but i've no problems doing so stoned..

i've been pulled over 3x's now while i was smoking when i got pulled over.. not for speeding either time.. once cuz my brakelights were out, once for my registration sticker being expired and once for something else.. not one of those times did the cop say to me i was swerving, wasn't maintaning a lane, speeding, going to slow, or just ran over a family of six a block back.. not once..
sounds to me that my smoking doesn't negatively effect my driving to me.. my radio may get a lil louder when i'm stoned, and i may start to sing a lil louder.. yah, this may bother some of the neighbors, but it sure as shit doesn't put them into harms way ime..

and who the hell invited the anti pothead website? i'll never understand why people like that sign up to sites like this.. oh well, takes all kinds to make the world go round..
no i mean id rip it countless times then cruise the city. its just driving people, its not hard. and we all do waaaay more difficult things stoned then drive...
this is a joke...weed has never impaired me. I do a lot of stupid shit (I take responsibility aka I dont give a fuck) I've had probably eight bikes within the last three years and every one of them I stood straight up after smoking a few doobies w all the time either smoking or having just smoked. I cant recall the last time I was sober, even at 165mph on 675 South.
I wonder how many people have been knocked down and killed by stoners, i wonder how many accidents have been caused by stoners, i wonder how many stoners have been rammed at very high speed because they crawl along the highway, i wonder how many stoners have looked right, then left to pull out from a junction but forgot a vehicle was coming from the right a few seconds ago. and the stoner is now in heaven, i wonder how many stoners have pranged other cars in the supermarket car park and then driven away thinking its only a small dent, i wonder how many stoners have been showing off in a car full of his teenager friends and crashed, i wonder how many stoners think it is ok to drive while stoned ???

lots, because thay are stoned simple as that !!!!

and they are the best drivers on the planet..

funny though,, they cannot drive very well straight, but drive great when they have had a little blow..........
this is a joke...weed has never impaired me. I do a lot of stupid shit (I take responsibility aka I dont give a fuck) I've had probably eight bikes within the last three years and every one of them I stood straight up after smoking a few doobies w all the time either smoking or having just smoked. I cant recall the last time I was sober, even at 165mph on 675 South.

your brilliant !

my mate was stoned too.

have a look at his death...........

he was only doing 80 mph when he hit this bend

he did it at 120mph when he was straight no problem.

i dont know why but it looks like he could not lean in to the bend.....

alas we will never know why,, the coroner said he was full of shit.......... (cannabinoids)
just made a trip to lowes baked (5 bong rips) and it was a nice relaxing pleasant drive!

pleasant, its always fucking pleasant to be stoned when you drive, the cops are going to use stick on forehead smear sampling soon.
tell us how pleasant it is when your getting your ffucking arse shagged in the prison laundry !!!!