Stoned Pets


Well-Known Member
yeah dude, dogs that are high are funny specially pitbulls they love to get high. he runs around like crazy smashing into walls and other shit


Well-Known Member
me and a friend went out early one morning to pick mushrooms. we got around 100 to 120. anyway when we got back to my friends house we put the mushrooms out on the fireplace to dry out. when we came back my friends dog had all the mushies gone. he lay on his back on the couch making odd noises and barking for about 3 hours. we thought he was going to die. hasn't been the same since.


Active Member
lol these post are hilarious i new i wasnt the only dog always snizeese when smoke is near her but i swear she nos the smell of good pot and alrigh when i get some potent potent ill light the lighter her ears perk up and she sits righ in front of me lickin her lips then she wants to play for about 10 mins then she passes out upside down


Staff member
i dont personally blow it in their face im sure they get contact highs since i dont normally have my windows open and my home gets smokey ,
my girlfriend has this tiny little loud mouth dog an i got it baked for the first time the other day didnt bark just kinda rolled in the grass for a bit haha


Active Member
I got my snake high twice.... Idk she just kinda did a weird dance then chiiled in one spot for a while.... I also have a small dog that hides under my bed whenever she gets too high


Active Member
we had an aquarium with about a dozen salamanders in it. we put a hit of acid on top of one of the salamanders head. he was trippin'. he climbed up onto the tallest rock, stretched out his neck as far as it would go then started to do what appeared to be talking. he just kept opening and closing his mouth. all the other salamanders were huddled up in the opposite corner just watching. this went on for hours. we let them all go a few days later.

my kitty comes to me and meows and licks her lips until i blow a COUPLE hits to her. she especially enjoys the hash.

many of my past neighbors have opened their door to their fluffy kitty that just left my house, only to find a blazed out kitty with a mohawk. we got in trouble more than once.
Man one time I was just chillin' in my tank with my friends being a Salamander and doing Salamander shit, when all of a sudden this dipshit puts a piece of something on my head IDK what the fuck it was. The next thing you know, everything's all wavy and I can see hot and taste blue. I even tried climbing up on a rock and yelling at this little prick for fucking me up, but then I remembered I was a Salamander.
Thanks to this dick, my friends won't even come near me anymore they think I'm weird.


Well-Known Member
my pitbull use to love to get high when he was a puppy he got on my desk where my weed was in a cup(only like 3 grams) and he ate it while i was sleeping so i named him budz i never blow it in his face he just sits next to me it calms him down alot cause he is real hyper i say dutchie budz and he comes running


Well-Known Member
I had an old, arthritic cat who used to come upstairs to visit me at 420 time. She was the toughest cat ever. Killed dozens of mice/birds...tore open a bulldog's snout...GOT HIT BY A CAR ON THREE DIFFERENT OCCASIONS. Anyhoot towards the end...she was hurting from all those years of living on the edge. She was never interested in herb earlier in life...but towards the end she sure was. Her nose must've worked great right up until death because I'd be on another floor...pretty far away from her...and the second I opened my bag...she started her ascent. By the time the bowl was packed...she was there. I got her high...then she'd lay right in front of my speaker cab as I practiced guitar.


Active Member
my wife and i have two dogs and two cats and they love getting ripped. every time we smoke (always) they crowd us wanting thier share. once satisfied, they roll around and nap.
my friend has a wolf (yes hes licensed for it) and we hot boxed the room with him. He was walking around on his front knees and back legs for an hour and his breath smelled like straight bud no doggy breath at all. Then he rubbed up against the corner of the bed and walked back and forth against it like a cat. :joint:


Active Member
I smoke with my cat he likes it, whenever I show him I got a sack he'll watch around till I smoke then come over to get a hit


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lmao my friends turtle would swim into the glass towards the bong/smoking table until someone blew a hit into the top of the tank