Stoner from South Africa


I am a stoner
I live in South Africa
I am still alive even though I live in South Africa
I started growing when I moved out of my house and into a flat/apartment (go figure, huge garden in my house and never even thought of growing weed, now I live in a flat/apartment and I start growing weed, I am not well in head)
I like woman, preferably redheads and woman that like me (That's always a killer)
I have smoked weed for so long I couldn't imagine stopping
I have six plants on the go, all in different stages of growth, I am in a test phase (This is what I tell myself to feel better)
I just bought a tent and 2 85w cfl and now I am broke
I have discovered that growing is addictive.

And thats all folks

Oh and I am immigrating to Australia in the next year or two, cant wait.


Thanks man, everything is peachy, my weed is growing so fast I am scared it's going to come and attack me while I am sleeping. hehe