Stoner Girl Here!!!


Well-Known Member
Let me be the first creep :)

Hey i ve something what grows several times a day. So i think im the best tutor for you, ok ?


Well-Known Member
Some may help you simply because your a female... (shakes head)
In my opinion, You'll need to go through everything like the rest of us, trial and error, wasted time, wasted money, risk etc.

READ. There is enough information on this site alone, for you to become a pioneer of cannabis, If your so inclined. You need to have a "I WILL DO THIS" overcoming attitude to get through anything in life worth doing. Ps; this is one of those... Largest cash crop in the world, not to mention one of the best drug's on the planet. WE WILL ALL HELP YOU. no solitary person. No self respecting expert is going to take a newbie under there belt simply because they are female or begging or it.

With that said, I welcome you to the forums! I hope your stay will be as pleasant as mine has been so far. Many of these people are brilliant, and I myself learn everyday I am on here. Growing anything, generating or "cultivating" life, is a SLOW process. You must keep this in mind to reep the benefits, those without patents and balls, buy drugs, those with a "I CAN DO ANYTHING I FUCKING WANT TO" attitude are the ones that get all the money, and make anything possible. If you know that you are one with some "mental" balls, You can do this, and many other things...

If you want a quick rundown to indoor growing, shoot me a pm, and ill step by step the initial process for you. From there on you'll need to trial and error, since i myself am still learning. Nobody that says they know everything about it is being truthful, there is always something new... Only take advice from those that say they "have been in the game, or know a lot". If they say everything, Its a lie, because singularly, none of us do.


Well-Known Member
Let me be the first creep :)

Hey i ve something what grows several times a day. So i think im the best tutor for you, ok ?
Knew there would be one! lmfao... you dont even know what she looks like, or if she is a he, or if that she/he is a fed. tread carefully, as walter white would say... lol


Well-Known Member
Welcome to RIU,simply by joining you have a multitude of people that are
walking you through your grow and filling in the blanks. A little bit of basic reading
and a few questions and you'll be on your way.


Well-Known Member
The Snake is tellin you right. Tough love, but that's the best love for the long haul

Buy a couple books, Ed Rosenthals newest is excellent. I reread it every couple months, and always find something I overlooked, or that makes more sense than when I last read it.