Stoner inside of Walmart



let the man be.



Well-Known Member
Exactly, that's whats wrong with so many people today. They're either worried about what someone else is doing, or f--king with someone. That dude didn't look like he was high on weed. Either some kind of pills, or maybe a slight mental handicap. Either way he wasn't hurting or bothering anyone.
You would think as much as is going on today, with the economy and everything else people would worry about their own lives instead of trying to live someone elses.


Well-Known Member
Hmm, I'm not that zombie like when I'm high and if that was me, I would have stolen that bitches IPhone and turned it into a pipe. bongsmilie What are they gonna do, go tell a manager that I stole their phone? :lol: Possession is 9/10ths of the law. :wink:


Well-Known Member
LOL..he walking like he just got done hitting the bong,I hate that stoned walk,feels like gravity is fucking with you,my man walking like a zombie lol..


Active Member
Wait... who is the supposed stoner in this film... the guy zombie walking with his arms draggin at his sides or the person doing the erratic videotaping? Both?
Hmm, I'm not that zombie like when I'm high and if that was me, I would have stolen that bitches IPhone and turned it into a pipe. bongsmilie What are they gonna do, go tell a manager that I stole their phone? :lol: Possession is 9/10ths of the law. :wink:
Your a petty thief and I dont like thieves. Stealing brings bad karma.

I guess if I had you tied up in my house you would be mine because possession is 9/10ths of the law...blahblahblah man I wanna punch people in the face that say stupid shit like that. Oh and change your screen name also. I dont like that either! :cuss:


Well-Known Member
Your a petty thief and I dont like thieves. Stealing brings bad karma.

I guess if I had you tied up in my house you would be mine because possession is 9/10ths of the law...blahblahblah man I wanna punch people in the face that say stupid shit like that. Oh and change your screen name also. I dont like that either! :cuss:

First, I could care less what you don't like and second, I am not a thing I am a person so I wouldn't be a possession. Hence, that would be kidnapping. If you would even be man enough to tie me up in your shack.

As for you punching me in the face, I would love to see that. Also, looks to me like you got your screen name from me since I had it before you. Stop copying me and come up with something original. :lol:


i posted this video because i thought we could relate to him, whenever I end a session and walk somewhere I feel like it's noticeable lol

CC Dobbs

Well-Known Member
That was fucking great. The main character, I'll call him Sven, was I don't even know how to describe the feelings he evokes in me. Awesome. The director team was very professional, they seem to have a deep sense of the frailty in all of us. Is Sven in anything else?