Stoner Jobs?


Active Member
Hey guys I just lost my job at a small business that didn't drug test or really oversee my activities...Now I need to find a job that preferabbly doesnt drug test or at least only does it one time (when you apply), and pays at least $15 an hour...I have a high school degree, im 19, and my old job was as a computer technician and I've worked a secretary before...suggestions?

Sr. Verde

I take it by you working as a computer tec you have computer skills, but what other skills do you have?

Also, what state / area do you live in?


Active Member
Southeast united states...If i must I'll move back to New Orleans for a job, but I'd rather not. I don't have any other 'experience' as in other jobs except the secretary position. I can 3d model but I dont feel like learning the newer programs...i was considering learning the newer programs and moving to the netherlands to get a teaching position...I heard there are a lot of openings for that kind of thing tehre (3d modelers do stuff like architecture models, models for games, art,etc etc...)

Sr. Verde

Southeast united states...If i must I'll move back to New Orleans for a job, but I'd rather not. I don't have any other 'experience' as in other jobs except the secretary position. I can 3d model but I dont feel like learning the newer programs...i was considering learning the newer programs and moving to the netherlands to get a teaching position...I heard there are a lot of openings for that kind of thing tehre (3d modelers do stuff like architecture models, models for games, art,etc etc...)

Man, that's rough, I cant think of anything currently.

The best thing I can think of right now would be a waiter/busboy type of job - mind you this wont pay 15$ an hour but if you get a job at a nice restaurant you can make a good amount of money.

As for the drug testing thing I would look for a place that is family owned (If the South East is like the East Coast you probably have a good amount of them).

Pizza delivery driver is an option too, but again your getting like 8-9 an hour + tips. But the chains these days are doing more and more drug testing, but some places are exceptions -
You may need to find out by calling and just asking "Hey, I'm looking for work *and I take a medicine that shows up as a false positive* and I was just curious if you/your place of work drug tests?"

* = if you even care


Active Member
well man, i live in BC canada and i dont know a single person that gets drug tested for their jobs.... so come over here to smoke freely!

i worked at afast food place bit over a year ago haha, always went to there stoned :P

my buddy works at a restraunt (local) and says everyone is slack and blazes and drinks while working, the manager even blazes with employees and its just abig party job.... get a job like that lol :D
peace :peace:


Active Member
I just talked to a Canadian stoner who works at a fish factory in BC...He gets $18/hr, soon to be $24 (its in canadian dollars, but they are almost the same as USD, i think its USD1=1.12)...he says its illegal to drug test most employees there.. I may move up there

*edit* lol bakedinbc...wrote this before seeing your post :P


Active Member -->>> hahha.... that advertisement sucks. and the guy in the picture looks like a trippy horse


Active Member
Lmao no offense to the ones that posted but this hasn't been too helpful...either move to canada or work in a restaurant? Come on...any jobs you can think of getting w/ a high school degree regardless of weed, with pay $15/hr or more?


Active Member
Construction or any labor intensive jobs pay what you want but may drug test. But if you have computer tech certifications just throw your resume out like a fishing line and wait for a bite

Sr. Verde

Lmao no offense to the ones that posted but this hasn't been too helpful...either move to canada or work in a restaurant? Come on...any jobs you can think of getting w/ a high school degree regardless of weed, with pay $15/hr or more?

Besides another tec job, no.

You could try some gay shit like Geeksquad but I'm pretty sure they drug test

Drug testing is becoming more and more common these days


Active Member
Lmao no offense to the ones that posted but this hasn't been too helpful...either move to canada or work in a restaurant? Come on...any jobs you can think of getting w/ a high school degree regardless of weed, with pay $15/hr or more?
I'd be set if that type of job existed, but they appear to be elusive. Send your resume out. Try online sites like Snag a Job and Monster.

Sr. Verde

You JUST quoted me saying possible jobs REGARDLESS OF DRUG TESTING man...cmon...

My bad man, I am pretty high

Okay this makes it easier

I would try Best Buy then, I know Bestbuy is gay but they probably pay pretty well

Maybe even try to join their "Geek Squad" it's not that hard to join up, and you have a work history with computers that would put you ahead of the game

Or try to look for jobs in smaller computer shops, if you really know your shit the manager might give you a real nice job

I'm not sure how well Apple stores pay but you might try going there for a job, the Tech guys, or, "A Genius" probably get paid pretty well - and if you don't know Mac's you will probably learn way faster than somebody starting with no knowledge

Also somebody suggested, thats a good idea.

Also you might (for the hell of it) put an ad up on Craigslist


Well-Known Member
I can think of lot's of jobs.

Drug Dealer
Poker Player


Well-Known Member
just use fake piss,I used quick fix which is fake piss in a bottle. You'll pass the test with that, now go get a job!