I never heard anthing about him dying

How did it happen?
his heart just went out on him.. he had heart and lung problems for awhile.. he had quit smoking cigs for over a year and some change, was up to four packs of the things a day before he quit.. he was also pretty much only vaping all of his bud as well..
his wife went to say something to him as he was smoking, and offered him a drink, and he held his hand up as to say in a minute honey, and that was it for the big man.. was a rather sad day..
i know that sp rubbed a lot of people here the wrong way, but at the same time, the ones that he didn't really seemed to take a shine to him.. he was that way... kind of no middle of the road with pony.. either i find you loved the man deeply, or hated him just as much.. luckily, i fell into the first category, and loved his humor and deep soul.. he has been through a lot of crap in his life, but still managed to try and find the good things in life and tried to bring a smile to others faces.. he was a super nice guy behind that rough exterior once you took the time out to get to know him a lil better, that is for sure.. check out his youtube videos one day when you've nothing better to do, and you'll easily see what i'm talking about.. i want give any links as i don't want to be accused of spamming, but he is easy to find...
you will surely be missed pony, and i am glad that i was one of the ones that took the time out to get to know you a lil better while you were here with us buddy..