Stoner Snake


Well-Known Member
I smoke out my leopard gecko sometimes... I think she likes it. I don't know if it gets her high or not, but she starts licking everything :)
I wouldn't fuck with a snake or anything that could pwn me though... Dogs are cool as long as they know they can back up without feeling cornered (always give them the opportunity to leave if they want!)


Well-Known Member
my boy had a big burmese python that didnt mind smoke at all. they cool thing about smokin with snakes is that they breath deeper and slower than mammals so when you blow a shotty at the snkae a second later you see a very prominent cloud of smoke coming out of the snakes nostrils. snakes or the only animal i had seen actually take a hit, hold it, then blow it out

Thats cool. What did the snake do? I smoked some kief and blew some smoke at it, and I picked it up but sensed bad vibes and went to put it down and it snapped at me. Next time it will be more situated though because its been here longer.


Well-Known Member
Yea dude, Hermes(my ball) loves takin rips now =) He'll usually go into like explore mode or dance and shit. Idk wether hes searchin for a mouse, I would imagine snake are immune to munchies on account that they eat for different reasons than mammals. But yea who ever said that survival crap, nonsense. Its all about what you introduce them to, my snake looks at fire like its nothing, if anything he thinks its cool and captivating. But yea sometime he'll straight look at my bowl and go up to it or my face and shit, its helarious. I only smoke him out once in a great while though.