• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Stoner's views on Firearm rights.

pool dude

Active Member


I'm just glad I live in the UK where it's prctically impossible to hold a gun legally.

I glad you don't live here also.

Your not a bad mother fucker unless you can survive after you run out of ammo. So in that aspect keep your guns you will prolly need them I can do fine with a couple knives and a axe.

Well I've got tens of thousands rounds of ammo and could take your "bad ass ax" from 600 yards so I'll stick with the fire arms. btw what the fuck are you going to do with an ax or knife hunt squirrels?

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
I love shooting guns..
I could never harm an animal, hell i couldnt even harm a fly
Strickly target shooting and some skeet and trap here and there.
I keep my guns in a storage unit tho..guns and marijuana just dont mix in the eyes of the law


Well-Known Member
I love shooting guns..
I could never harm an animal, hell i couldnt even harm a fly
Strickly target shooting and some skeet and trap here and there.
I keep my guns in a storage unit tho..guns and marijuana just dont mix in the eyes of the law
I bet you could kill a spider-mite


New Member
I heard a story once where these cops on Halloween arrested these zombies who were just normal folks before they imbibed.

It was a really funny story, but I'm no comedian.


Well-Known Member
I glad you don't live here also.

Well I've got tens of thousands rounds of ammo and could take your "bad ass ax" from 600 yards so I'll stick with the fire arms. btw what the fuck are you going to do with an ax or knife hunt squirrels?
Set up snairs and traps you need a knife to MAKE this. Tell me what you can MAKE out of a gun to survive?

Nothing it usless after you run out of bullets and you will starve to death after it does because you relyed on it.

Government wants you to have your guns it gives you false sence of security it makes you think you can fight tanks and jets. But really your just a guy throwing rocks acttually I take that back somebody good at throwing rocks will be better off when the shit hits the fan because his "ammo" is everywhere on the ground.

Gun nuts will always think they got enough ammo but metal rusts and guns break. When my knife or axe jams in the middle of a job then ill switch to guns.

Killing isnt the only way to survive look at monkeys they kill with their hands and dont even mean to.

So while you think your on top of the animal kingdom wait tell your gun jams when you starng death in the eyes then ask your self whos being hunted?

You approach situations your normaly wouldnt when you have a gun in a survival situation and your not even sure its gonna work. Guns are mechanical objects they do malfunction and when it does chances are you will be in a shitty situation you wouldnt have been in without a gun.

Go buy a peice of good steal now heat this peice of steal up and hand forge it into a knife with this knife you can get/make food, shelter, fire,water and protection.

Only way to get this with a gun is steal it or distroy meat you could have ate.

Snairs and leg traps waist no meat NONE and in survive situation last thing you want to do is waist any meat. I know I know head shots but the brain of any animal is the most usefull part when it comes to meals and survivle.

Guns make you weak!!

CSI Stickyicky

Well-Known Member
I love shooting guns..
I could never harm an animal, hell i couldnt even harm a fly
Strickly target shooting and some skeet and trap here and there.
I keep my guns in a storage unit tho..guns and marijuana just dont mix in the eyes of the law
Yea, especially in Chicago! Daley, who has an army of body guards, still insists that any citizen who has a handgun, regardless of if they have weed or not, is a criminal. I agree abut never being able to shoot an animal, with the one exception being food. (i've heard people brag about shooting squirrels for fun. thats some jeffrey dahmer type shit.) I am a carnivore, I may as well kill my own meat from time to time. I think taking an animal from the forest for meat is better than perpetuating a system that put animals in stockyards full of shit for their whole lives, then lines 'em up to die. To me, that's cruel.


Well-Known Member
Yea, especially in Chicago! Daley, who has an army of body guards, still insists that any citizen who has a handgun, regardless of if they have weed or not, is a criminal. I agree abut never being able to shoot an animal, with the one exception being food. (i've heard people brag about shooting squirrels for fun. thats some jeffrey dahmer type shit.) I am a carnivore, I may as well kill my own meat from time to time. I think taking an animal from the forest for meat is better than perpetuating a system that put animals in stockyards full of shit for their whole lives, then lines 'em up to die. To me, that's cruel.
had a frnd who shot a squirel skinned it and made a remote control squeril outta it
ppl round here shoot squirels but they eat em.... one guy actually has a dog traind to hunt rabbits and squirel. every day his dog brings him home a rabbit or squeril and thats what he eats...... a gun is a tool not a weapon, the days of revolution are past the only use for a gun is to use it as a tool to hunt to protect yerself from the wild wich is not needed in urban settings ive lived in the country ive lived in the city, i never ownd a gun in the city but in the country you need a gun

CSI Stickyicky

Well-Known Member
Guns make you weak!!
Most (the good ones anyway) self defense or wilderness survival information out there will teach you not to rely on ONE thing. In a survival situation, the TRULY prepared will probably have guns and knifes, as well as an ax, a machete, a bayonet, a blunt instrument like a baton, some water, etc. You never know what survival situation will pop up, so BE PREPARED for any. rifles, knifes, pistols, shotguns, and other tools all have their own set of advantages and disadvantages. Small arms would mean nothing against an army with tanks and apaches, but they could mean the difference between life and death when a gang of 4 people attacks your house. It depends on the scenario. Different scenarios require different strategies/weapons. However, a .50 BMG belt fed machine gun is still legal, and with API rounds, could be an effective weapon against a larger army. However, if you are just hiking in the rockies, you arent going to take your beltfed weapon with you. Maybe a 460 magnum and a hatchet would be better for that situation. It also depends on your mental awareness; were you caught by surprise? do you know how to shoot straight and fast? Do you know how to make a trap? Have you practiced?

A good way to mentally prepare yourself for ANY situation, is to read the news, and find a story where someone gets attacked, and then ponder the options. What could he have done differently to avoid the attack? to survive the attack?

CSI Stickyicky

Well-Known Member
had a frnd who shot a squirel skinned it and made a remote control squeril outta it
ppl round here shoot squirels but they eat em.... one guy actually has a dog traind to hunt rabbits and squirel. every day his dog brings him home a rabbit or squeril and thats what he eats...... a gun is a tool not a weapon, the days of revolution are past the only use for a gun is to use it as a tool to hunt to protect yerself from the wild wich is not needed in urban settings ive lived in the country ive lived in the city, i never ownd a gun in the city but in the country you need a gun
Thats kind of funny, a squirrel remote. If you kill the animal and use it, that is nature, and the way its supposed to be. Some people just shoot an animal for target practice, and leave the carcass. Lame!
You may need a gun in the city, depends on who you run into! but, yea, in the country, it is almost necessary.


Well-Known Member
Set up snairs and traps you need a knife to MAKE this. Tell me what you can MAKE out of a gun to survive?

Nothing it usless after you run out of bullets and you will starve to death after it does because you relyed on it.

Government wants you to have your guns it gives you false sence of security it makes you think you can fight tanks and jets. But really your just a guy throwing rocks acttually I take that back somebody good at throwing rocks will be better off when the shit hits the fan because his "ammo" is everywhere on the ground.

Gun nuts will always think they got enough ammo but metal rusts and guns break. When my knife or axe jams in the middle of a job then ill switch to guns.

Killing isnt the only way to survive look at monkeys they kill with their hands and dont even mean to.

So while you think your on top of the animal kingdom wait tell your gun jams when you starng death in the eyes then ask your self whos being hunted?

You approach situations your normaly wouldnt when you have a gun in a survival situation and your not even sure its gonna work. Guns are mechanical objects they do malfunction and when it does chances are you will be in a shitty situation you wouldnt have been in without a gun.

Go buy a peice of good steal now heat this peice of steal up and hand forge it into a knife with this knife you can get/make food, shelter, fire,water and protection.

Only way to get this with a gun is steal it or distroy meat you could have ate.

Snairs and leg traps waist no meat NONE and in survive situation last thing you want to do is waist any meat. I know I know head shots but the brain of any animal is the most usefull part when it comes to meals and survivle.

Guns make you weak!!
Don't bring your knife to a gun fight. Unless your withing 6 feet of someone, they will gun you down before you can even lash out at them. Ever try hunting a deer with a Knife? impossible they run far too fast for you to chase, but since bullets travel faster than the speed of sound there is no deer who can run away from it. Ever try to kill a Bear with a knife? I would much rather have a gun.

Gun jams? I have an AK, they never jam even if you fill them with rocks, mud and sand. If your gun is jamming then you haven't been taking care of it. My Glock has 40,000 + rounds through it and is 17 years old, it has never jammed. Once in a while my AR jams becasue of a badly sized Casing, but since there are 29 more rounds in the magazine it only takes half a second to extract and reload by pulling on the charging handle.

jets and tanks do not hunt people, they hunt other tanks or jets or are for anti-material purposes NOT people. The enemy would go bankrupt sending multimillion dollar equipment out to kill a single person.

Ever set up a trap only to come back and find the animal you caught has chewed its own leg off and has gotten away? Ever see an animal that you have poked a hole all the way through get up and walk away?

An empty gun is still useful, Mine have bayonets on the end plus they make nice clubbing weps. Guns do not break very easily, they are made to take some major abuse, especially the assault types.

If you take care of your firearms they will never rust. The majority of my firearms are hard coat anodized and teflon coated, the barrels are either Stainless steel or Chrome Molybdenum , neither rusts.

You obviously have zero military experience and zero firearm experience or you would not try to make the argument that a knife is a better weapon to have if you want to survive in a SHTF scenario.

When the hungry mob comes for your food are you going to cut all their throats before they take you down? You might get one or 2 before they tear you limb from limb, but if you shoot one dead on the spot and you have enough to kill 30 people in 1 magazine their natural instinct will take over and the hungry mob will move to easier pickings like the guy with a knife to defend himself.


Well-Known Member
Don't bring your knife to a gun fight. Unless your withing 6 feet of someone, they will gun you down before you can even lash out at them. Ever try hunting a deer with a Knife? impossible they run far too fast for you to chase, but since bullets travel faster than the speed of sound there is no deer who can run away from it. Ever try to kill a Bear with a knife? I would much rather have a gun.

Gun jams? I have an AK, they never jam even if you fill them with rocks, mud and sand. If your gun is jamming then you haven't been taking care of it. My Glock has 40,000 + rounds through it and is 17 years old, it has never jammed. Once in a while my AR jams becasue of a badly sized Casing, but since there are 29 more rounds in the magazine it only takes half a second to extract and reload by pulling on the charging handle.

jets and tanks do not hunt people, they hunt other tanks or jets or are for anti-material purposes NOT people. The enemy would go bankrupt sending multimillion dollar equipment out to kill a single person.

Ever set up a trap only to come back and find the animal you caught has chewed its own leg off and has gotten away? Ever see an animal that you have poked a hole all the way through get up and walk away?

An empty gun is still useful, Mine have bayonets on the end plus they make nice clubbing weps. Guns do not break very easily, they are made to take some major abuse, especially the assault types.

If you take care of your firearms they will never rust. The majority of my firearms are hard coat anodized and teflon coated, the barrels are either Stainless steel or Chrome Molybdenum , neither rusts.

You obviously have zero military experience and zero firearm experience or you would not try to make the argument that a knife is a better weapon to have if you want to survive in a SHTF scenario.

When the hungry mob comes for your food are you going to cut all their throats before they take you down? You might get one or 2 before they tear you limb from limb, but if you shoot one dead on the spot and you have enough to kill 30 people in 1 magazine their natural instinct will take over and the hungry mob will move to easier pickings like the guy with a knife to defend himself.
See your looking for a gun fight.........I wouldnt get in a gun fight but sombody like you WITH a gun would.

Guns shoot bullets no matter how much of a bad ass you THINK you are, you will never be prepared for a bullet passing threw you. Dont care how many guns are in your house your still dead because you seak out to fight back.

In reality, in nature the smarter animal knows it can win every fight but yet it only eats when its hungry? Its because life is to short this meal could be your last so why risk it unless your life depends on it.

Life is simple as we are all one when we create objects ment to destroy the other we are distroying our selves.

to many things try to kill us anyways why make more of these objects?


Well-Known Member
Go run at a lion and it will run away from you. It knows it can eat you but it wont because YOUR aproaching it it knows you have the upper hand. The lion will fall back watch its pride and regroup most likley leaving you alone because IT knows your willing to fight. Notice hunters get attacked by lions? But tribes in africa never get attacked in the day by lions? Hunters with guns get attacked broad day light because the lion KNOWS they fear the lion THATS why they are 100s of yards away scoping me out its because they fear me.

Lions even know witch is the real threat everyday to them is life or death so I would guess they have better judgment on such calls. But I would think people like you think your right about everything and think because youve got an object that throws other objects to distroy other objects cool....So the circle continues.

CSI Stickyicky

Well-Known Member
Life is simple as we are all one when we create objects ment to destroy the other we are distroying our selves.

to many things try to kill us anyways why make more of these objects?
This is an excellent point, and i thank you for bringing in another opinion on the matter.

I think, in a perfect world, we wouldn't have a need for guns. A gun-less world wouldn't be terrible, however, in reality, it will NEVER happen. People all over the world will continue manufacturing guns, and other weapons. If other people wind up with guns, other people who may be short on morals, and we have no guns, we are at a total disadvantage. If the enemy runs out of ammunition, the playing field is again leveled, but if they have the right ammo and skills, they could kill from over a mile away. If any potential enemies have that ability, it would be in my best interest to also have it.


you simply cannot argue that the only thing that is going to protect you from ANYONE else with a gun is to have a gun of your own

pretty much the only way to defend yourself...


Well-Known Member
In a perfect world there would still be guns. In reality Guns do not kill, people kill other people. My rifles can sit locked away in my locker for umpteen thousand years and never harm a soul, guns are not evil, they are tools. It is the user of the tool you have to watch out for and if you don't think when people go hungry that they aren't going to start going from home to home to get food your crazy. I don't own guns because I am looking for a fight, I already have 8 years of combat experience in theaters of War its not fun. I own guns because they are fun to shoot and make me able to defend myself. If anything I will run to fight another day if it is in my best interest.

Lions attack the local villagers all the time, lions have no idea if your afraid of it or not. How you came up with this is beyond me, anything to back it up?