

Active Member
I'm a loner stoner. Don't like being around other stoners. Too many "duuuuudes" and taking 5 minutes to form a complete sentence.

Idk i assume i'm just a douche bag tho.
I think I know what you mean. The the "duuuuuude" stoners give us respectable smokers a bad image. Some of us work and actually take care of business and its hard to be around the dumb ass smokers.

But take the time to get know these people. Some of them are a lot of fun.


Active Member
CN.. I always read your name as cannabear.. perhaps the polar bear has something to do with that.

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
I'm from the hood. Like come down my street you'll see trap house, forclosed home, forclosed home, trap house , my house ,forclosed home ....

But I don't let where I'm from define me as a person you know ...
I'm sorta like thus guy , just from Oakland ca

Where's the whore house..? Can't be that bad if it's all foreclosed houses and trap houses... Nothing like the look on an old perverts face when you spot them coming out the door of the dirty Asian whore house...