Well-Known Member
makes me wanna get one... hell... i could keep that on the slick at work... lol...
how much vape does half a g get ya? ive been smokin outta volcanoe ltely and am in love...
thats fuckin sick no body notices 4real?
hells to the yeah homie... how much that hit ya for?
OMG. I want it so bad. It would make my job SOOOO much easier.
I'm thinking about picking up one of those cheap vaporizers to try vaporizing out, like 60 bucks or so. My buddy swears by it. When me and my best friend first started smoking regularly we made some lightbulb-crackpipe-like vaporizers to smoke our mexican brick in. lol. It got ya high, but I still prefer my pipe or bong from a crackpipe. Haha.
Now ive also heard vape till you get no vapor, I personally stop when the good taste is degraded/gone.