Stoney Girl...

Nubby Tubbs

New Member
is not only a GREAT grower and breeder, but shes sexy and business savvy, too. this lady has it all, folks... the real deal right here in oregon. support your local club pit bull. you wont be sorry.



Well-Known Member
didn't she just get busted with paul lomey? i heard they just got all their clubs shut down. perhaps my friend who told me was mistaken.


Well-Known Member
every thing i have heard of her, her pot, her strains, and her claims on flowering times on those strains has been bad.
but agian this is all hear say, so i have no clue.
and all clubs/selling place will be closed soon.
good luck


Active Member
I am giving SG a try. I'm growing OPN (Oregon Pinot Noir), and Moby Dick. The other two strains, Kandy Kush and 747 weren't.

The OPN is the weirdest mj plant I've ever seen in soil. The long detailed review at the SG site just doesn't apply to this one. This plant needs a lot of room and light. If plants touch her, she shrivels up and some leaves go vertical. She's getting golf ball sized buds, but I don't expect much more than an oz, or so. I won't ever grow her again indoor in a tent. I would however consider her for outdoor if I had room, or land to piss on.

The Moby Dick is a balanced plant and grows very typical of a lot of others. Had a little PM on the lower leaves in flower. She might pull 3-3 1/2 oz each. Decent growth up and down the stem. I'd grow her again but I haven't cut her yet so I don't know how the smoke will be.

Oh...the OPN were supposed to be one of those early finishers by stoney girl. I'm on day 48 and still trucking.


Well-Known Member
I live on the Oregon coast where she just opened up two more shops regardless of what others say I think her prices are fair and her product is good. I bought some soil from her too and have just started my first grow but until that time I intend to get my medicine from her and not the way I have been in the past.
PS I was there at one of her stores yesterday and it was open for business.


New Member
I live on the Oregon coast where she just opened up two more shops regardless of what others say I think her prices are fair and her product is good. I bought some soil from her too and have just started my first grow but until that time I intend to get my medicine from her and not the way I have been in the past.
PS I was there at one of her stores yesterday and it was open for business.
Good luck on your first grow, man! Always good to have more folks growing in Oregon! Not trying to rip on SG, but I think you can find better genetics to grow, IMO. I have not used her soil, but I doubt she has "space weed" soil in there, lol. As long as it works for your symptoms, I guess you are fine. But if you do not get a good first batch, think about trying some other proven strains....I think you will find they will be stonier. Good luck, man! And post some pics of your harvest, I always love seeing some good bud porn, even if it proves me wrong....haha.


every thing i have heard of her, her pot, her strains, and her claims on flowering times on those strains has been bad.
but agian this is all hear say, so i have no clue.
and all clubs/selling place will be closed soon.
good luck
Wow you were sure wrong weren't ya!! Keep your crappy hear-say to yourself!!


Well-Known Member
I am giving SG a try. I'm growing OPN (Oregon Pinot Noir), and Moby Dick. The other two strains, Kandy Kush and 747 weren't.

The OPN is the weirdest mj plant I've ever seen in soil. The long detailed review at the SG site just doesn't apply to this one. This plant needs a lot of room and light. If plants touch her, she shrivels up and some leaves go vertical. She's getting golf ball sized buds, but I don't expect much more than an oz, or so. I won't ever grow her again indoor in a tent. I would however consider her for outdoor if I had room, or land to piss on.

The Moby Dick is a balanced plant and grows very typical of a lot of others. Had a little PM on the lower leaves in flower. She might pull 3-3 1/2 oz each. Decent growth up and down the stem. I'd grow her again but I haven't cut her yet so I don't know how the smoke will be.

Oh...the OPN were supposed to be one of those early finishers by stoney girl. I'm on day 48 and still trucking.
Wow you were sure wrong weren't ya!! Keep your crappy hear-say to yourself!!
well the quote above already proves the flowering claims are BS. so that here say is proved. and like i said it was all here say and not what i said, but then you got rude and now you do sound like stoneygirl.
take your crap and bounce


Active Member
Initially I didn't mind news about clubs opening up here or there. It was a good resource to know in case you need to make the drive. Now it has become just a basic bullshit toot your own horn spam ads. You get one club bad mouthing the other clubs.

Your garden variety ganja grower for profit is of course chapped. He's sitting at home with a couple of strains he grew in his mom's basement. He's hoping his free bagseed will get him two hun a zip, but he keeps hearing from people that they ain't going to pay that anymore. There are just too many bags out there for fifty bucks less. There isn't a fiddy buck difference between most of them. :D

More people are growing, there are more people who simply aren't going to pay the old street prices for green. One can spend a few hours reading this site and actually get a step by step guide to starting your first grow in a computer cabinet...or a used cardboard box from a freezer, or an extra bedroom. The stupidest person on earth can grow isn't that hard at all.

The closest club to me is the one on McLoughlin. He has a lot of stoney girl stuff but I'm not sure he's in their club or not. I could care less. I just don't like their bullshit story line on their strains. They are giving us the b.s. from the most optimum of conditions. How many of us personal ganja growers use a whole fucking bedroom to grow mj? Why the hell would a guy grow 6 foot plants indoors for a personal grow? I'm in a goofy tent for petes sake, and that actually puts me into more of an ideal growing environment than even the most average of card growers. SG ...wake up...don't bake up with your ads.

Oh, and my 6 legals are racing down the homestretch. The chopdown night is getting planned...hey Hazo, what finger food is good with resin all over your fingers? Imagine eating ribs with Kandy Kush resin all over your fingers as you roll that bbq'd rib around. A few years ago my buddy served the same dish during his harvest. His guest found out he'd ate one finger by accident during the trim dinner.

I hate it when that happens.

Nubby Tubbs

New Member
Why the hell would a guy grow 6 foot plants indoors for a personal grow? I'm in a goofy tent for petes sake, and that actually puts me into more of an ideal growing environment than even the most average of card growers.
i dont see how growing in a little tent puts you in a better position than the average grower in oregon. i run 2800 watts, and id say that im definitely on the smaller side of what ive seen in this state (both indoor and out).

to answer your question, though... you need six foot plants to be able to have steady smoke, if you have a habit like me. hell... you need six foot plants that have been topped to eight top colas. only 6 plants a piece, ya know. maybe you dont smoke like me. CHOO CHOO!


Active Member
I referring to a single patient grower, one light. A six plant guy would only use one light, and more than likely he's growing it up to about 4 feet. That type of single card growing, working guy with a ugly wife. That kind of grower, not multiple 1k lights in a bedroom while the children sleep in rubbermaid tubs type of grower.


New Member
Initially I didn't mind news about clubs opening up here or there. It was a good resource to know in case you need to make the drive. Now it has become just a basic bullshit toot your own horn spam ads. You get one club bad mouthing the other clubs.

Your garden variety ganja grower for profit is of course chapped. He's sitting at home with a couple of strains he grew in his mom's basement. He's hoping his free bagseed will get him two hun a zip, but he keeps hearing from people that they ain't going to pay that anymore. There are just too many bags out there for fifty bucks less. There isn't a fiddy buck difference between most of them. :D

More people are growing, there are more people who simply aren't going to pay the old street prices for green. One can spend a few hours reading this site and actually get a step by step guide to starting your first grow in a computer cabinet...or a used cardboard box from a freezer, or an extra bedroom. The stupidest person on earth can grow isn't that hard at all.

The closest club to me is the one on McLoughlin. He has a lot of stoney girl stuff but I'm not sure he's in their club or not. I could care less. I just don't like their bullshit story line on their strains. They are giving us the b.s. from the most optimum of conditions. How many of us personal ganja growers use a whole fucking bedroom to grow mj? Why the hell would a guy grow 6 foot plants indoors for a personal grow? I'm in a goofy tent for petes sake, and that actually puts me into more of an ideal growing environment than even the most average of card growers. SG ...wake up...don't bake up with your ads.

Oh, and my 6 legals are racing down the homestretch. The chopdown night is getting planned...hey Hazo, what finger food is good with resin all over your fingers? Imagine eating ribs with Kandy Kush resin all over your fingers as you roll that bbq'd rib around. A few years ago my buddy served the same dish during his harvest. His guest found out he'd ate one finger by accident during the trim dinner.

I hate it when that happens.
Run it like a food or drink until you are done.....haha

Bonzi Lighthouse

Well-Known Member
i dont see how growing in a little tent puts you in a better position than the average grower in oregon. i run 2800 watts, and id say that im definitely on the smaller side of what ive seen in this state (both indoor and out).

to answer your question, though... you need six foot plants to be able to have steady smoke, if you have a habit like me. hell... you need six foot plants that have been topped to eight top colas. only 6 plants a piece, ya know. maybe you dont smoke like me. CHOO CHOO!
Do you just make this shit up? Your post is so full of misinformation it is not even funny..