Stoney McFried's diary of a level two plant slayer(a grow journal)

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New Member
She seems to be!And that second pic, I'd say there was a little frost going on.I couldn't see it naked eye,but with the zoom...yeah.

Why thank you, tipsy.Feel free to masturbate your lips with a big fat joint!:hug:
yes darling, I shall...indica or sativa......hmmmm


Well-Known Member
someone sent me a kermit the frog youtube music video yesterday that was quite disturbing........ I hate all childrens shows in one way, but love some in another....... friend came and helped me to medicate..... kind enough to drop me some nugs..... so, here yah go stoney....... lets share this dubie and watch the "grass" grow ;)

Leilani Garden

Well-Known Member
Thanks, Leilani, it's such a big difference from my first grow with crappy old cfl's!
Yeah, from all you've said about the other one, this is much different. SO HAPPY for you!

How's the odor? I lost track and haven't been around in a while. So? How's that going? I'm guessing not a big deal?

How've ya been?!!

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Actually, not a bad odor at all.If i sniff the plant, I can smell it, but she's not strong.But then again, I have four indoor cats who crap five times a day each.....:shock:
Yeah, from all you've said about the other one, this is much different. SO HAPPY for you!

How's the odor? I lost track and haven't been around in a while. So? How's that going? I'm guessing not a big deal?

How've ya been?!!

Leilani Garden

Well-Known Member
Actually, not a bad odor at all.If i sniff the plant, I can smell it, but she's not strong.But then again, I have four indoor cats who crap five times a day each.....:shock:
Well, I guess you do what you need to do, eh? Cat doo? Ew. Thanks for sharing. I gotta put these cheetohs away, now. Thanks Stoney!!

I love you, Lady!
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