stop a plant from turning hermie


Well-Known Member
Hi all

I have a sweet tooth plant atm, i caused her alot of stress from a snap and i was worried about her turning hermie, and i had a thought (probibly completely stupid, but hay-ho)
So anyway i thought the pistils grab the pollen from air which the male parts produced, but if i pulled every single pistil out then there is no chance of turning hermie? Could this work? Even if growth is slowed it is not a problem as long as it doesnt turn hermie


Well-Known Member
Genuine question, so ignore the part about a hermie, but if all the pistils got ripped out, could the buds still grow as normal, if it is not a possibility you just had to say impossible. I had a idear, never said is a good one, or one that will work. But still, thanks for the reply


Well-Known Member
I know pistils dont turn to male plants, i am saying if i removed the pistils then the buds couldnt get seeded because when the plant produces male parts (not pistils) they release pollen. Now what i am saying is if you pick off the pistils then even if your plant does turn hermie then it wont be able to produce seeds, i might of said it wrong but trust me i know pistils dont turn into male parts lol!!


Well-Known Member
so the pistils purpose is to collect pollen and fertilise the unfertilized seed (embryo) inside the calyx (I think) cutting them off would be very time consuming and very stressful to the plant and the pistils recede right into the calyx so I don't think you can eliminate them completely and as stated would surely stress the plant(more so than stem snapping) which would likely turn hermaphrodite and it doesn't need its pistils to do that


Well-Known Member
Go on Amazon and look up Reverse and Penetrator by Dutch Masters. Its more of a preventative, it will not make it turn back to female if it already is hermie.


Well-Known Member
it takes a lot to make a plant Hermie dude, A LOT. I wouldn't stress it all, if it does it does. I have only had 2 hermies ever, but both hermied due to temp fluctuation. Not saying that's the only way but plants break and bend all the time in the wild. I think (and it's just my opinion based on my limited experience) that hermie's happen under conditions when the plant truly thinks it will die.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the replys. And yes i would pick off the male parts if any. It was just a thought, because although time consuming to pick every pistil off, i thought if there was no pistils then if i were to have a hermie and not notice then there would be no chance of self pollination, and even if i caused stress through pulling out the pistils it wouldnt matter because reguardless of male plants there is no chance of seeds, if i done a test plant and pulled the pistils


Well-Known Member
Out would there be any direct damage to the growth of the buds? I know growth might be slowed, but would it stop any growth?