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how does a vaporizer work?

Type 3 - Fan forced or stored vapour.

Such as the Volcano vaporizer with its balloon style attachment.
Balloon style vaporizers work by pumping the vaporized medical marijuana into a special balloon where it can be detached from the vaporizer and inhaled whenever you are ready. Vapour in the bag will always be the same density, this method does not allow you to control how thick or thin the vapour is mixed with air. Some people like these balloon style vaporizers as it makes it easy to pass the vapours around. In most cases the balloon is able to hold more vapor compared to the other styles.
If you’re interested is this type of vaporizer, the Vapormatic Deluxe is also worth a look. It comes with more features than the Volcano and is usually cheaper. Note the Volcano actually uses an aluminium heat element and not a ceramic heat element.

Vaporizer study, further reading....

Laboratory studies by California NORML .....................................................:hump:
fairly good info, except the digi volcano is actually glass and ceramic heating element. not aluminum ;)

and i just loooooove my volcano i cook at 168 degrees celcius and no hotter than 180, i cough too much otherwise, nice clean vapor get 3 smooth bags at 170 temp, and beautiful taste :)
There are many types of vaporizers in the market, but they all work with the same principle, which consists of heating your medical marijuana until the active chemicals boil and evaporate.