STOP!!!...Its Hammertime! New Breeder, New Promo

Just the whole day all ive seen when being outside is disrespectful youth, doing things that in my youth would have landed me in the hospital,. Folks back then did not tolerate blatant disrepect. For example pushing an elderly person out of your way to reach the seats on a public bus. Seen too much and its a serious problem in a lot of area's here in new england. Really sad.
Sounds good to me hammer-time
Just the whole day all ive seen when being outside is disrespectful youth, doing things that in my youth would have landed me in the hospital,. Folks back then did not tolerate blatant disrepect. For example pushing an elderly person out of your way to reach the seats on a public bus. Seen too much and its a serious problem in a lot of area's here in new england. Really sad.
Just sad the way things are now.