Well-Known Member
i think that all this fight for marijuan to be legal is won with a loop hole that we have to exploit...i use tobacco as an example of a "drug"...it really does nothing for you..with millions upon millions..of cigerette related deaths(being a smoker or a victim of second hand smoke)..and none for marijuana use with the prod the marijuana has to offer....lol..in california you can go to a doctor..and pay for your recommendation..every state should be like that...we have won..if we press the issue further than that...we will loose the actual fight..having marijuana decriminilized as a whole could prove dextrimental to certain freedoms you have...if u wanna smoke,grow,carry .or consume marijuana get the proper paper work to do so...lol....i can see the not smoking it while operating machinery thing..but alcohol is just as mind alteringso what its sold in stores everywhere...... fuck it..u wanna smoke..go to a despisary....yea its fucked up that you have to pay to get a recommendation but hey.....think about this..you can grow tobacco in your home..but you cant sell it...just like if your a medical patient..u cant groe mariijuana but not sell it......lol...if we press to get it decriminalized..we will probably loose the right to grow it in home because they want to tax it.....lol...stop while we ahead
we should make sure everywhere has a medical marijuana policy....fuck decriminilizing it...because it a criminal act to sell a pack of cigereetes on the corner just like weed..lol..lets get smarter...
you think that if the government posed a tax on weed..they would not go over board.....you think the government has any good intentions...lol..nope..the same agency who wont decriminilize marijuana wont criminilize the use of cigarettes which are killers for real..lol..
we should make sure everywhere has a medical marijuana policy....fuck decriminilizing it...because it a criminal act to sell a pack of cigereetes on the corner just like weed..lol..lets get smarter...
you think that if the government posed a tax on weed..they would not go over board.....you think the government has any good intentions...lol..nope..the same agency who wont decriminilize marijuana wont criminilize the use of cigarettes which are killers for real..lol..