Stopping adding nutrients...

Ok, I searched around for this question a bit, couldn't find anything.

The question is: what if partway through your grow you stop adding nutrients and just stick with watering them? I'm not talking about the flushing at the very end of the season either. I'm assuming it wouldn't really have an effect on the plants other then their grow rate might slow, but I wanted to ask some more experienced growers.

The reason I'm asking is in case I have to leave my plants for an extended period of time. I would rather not risk telling anyone about the grow but it looks like I may need a partner.

Thanks, and if I happened to miss a thread regarding this subject please point me to it.


Well-Known Member
You could use time releas nutes sprinkled on the top of the soil.

But if your watering em why cant you use nutes?

They will make bud with out all the bloom nutes, just not as many.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't tell anyone. If they have to go without some nutes then so be it. The weight you pull down might take a bit of a hit, but oh well. Just try to get to them as much as you can (unless you know someone that is like a brother to you, not just a friend you've known for years).