Storing Pollen

I have had pollen last over three years how I store it put pollen into test tubes add two small bags of silica gel leve 24hrs in fridge so silica gel removes all moisture then freeze when collecting pollen I do this in the nude then straight to shower if you dont change clothing and shower you can carry pollen to you main plants water kills pollen
hopes you has curtains...
I collect/store pollen from several males in my fridge and I've had successful polination after over a year of storage. I've heard of 18months +. storage and collection quality determines future success. cannabis pollen can easily be destroyed by moisture. it is also unique in that the cannabis pistil will ONLY accept/recogize pollen grains from cannabis. hence the suggestion to use flour as a 'buffer' ... keeps moisture at bay and the plant will pick what it needs to pollinate.

1st- make sure you are in a sterile area away from your girls, pollen travels far and will stick to your clothing - personally, I change clothes. for collection I take a mature plant/branch that is already popping it's pods open, place that into a paper sack and shake vigorously to release as much as possible. use a fine screen to filter the vegatative matter (you want only pollen, nothing else contaminating), and place the pollen into a small manila envelope (very small, like the 2"x4"). that envelope is then placed into a small dark colored glass jar and filled with rice and one desicant pack (I like to use the ones that come in pill/asparin bottles) to remove any moisture. place in fridge or freezer until you need it.

when you need it, remove carefully. use a small paintbrush to paint the branches you want (away from the main girls, so you don't pollinate them), give them a few hours then spray the plant with water to de-activate any remaining pollen before putting her back with the main girls. once done, fresh rice is put in. I also renew the rice every 4-6months just in case.

my 2 cents
eyecandy, thanks I am interested so will follow the steps you laid out thanks again.just checking male daily to get the most out of my boy.
I use mine fresh and uncut. The longest I've stored it was for 20 minutes to bring some to a friend's grow. I like to use a small widemouth mason jar with lid and a brush rather than tossing it on the plant--In order to ensure more complete pollinations and also to prevent airborne pollen. I've had success with natural hair brushes. Great information on storage in this thread. I thought only seeds could last that long.
Make sure pollen is dry and no plant matter is included before storing. I use 250 micron screen and shake the male above it then collect pollen in a clean pan. Let it dry for about 3 days in a cold dry room and put it in containers/vials/glass bottles.. You can cut it with flour or corn starch but that can later cause mold on flowers. You can also use silica gel or rice grains added for storage. I keep one sealed plastic container in the freezer and take small ammounts from it while still in the freezer putting it in a 0.5ml vial then use a fine paintbrush for pollination


Here is an example of open anthers with pollen dropped on the right and anthers still full of pollen on the left with one just enough open to drop the dust

I remove all plant material by screening...use mask as it is pollen and will fuck you up...then I fold tinfoil in half, put in the pollen and fold it has been stored in my desk drawer in the basement for over 5 yrs and was viable still last year...the drawer is like a humidor for cigars....
I used pollen last year from it and it was at least still 50% viable as the branch I pollenated was loaded with seeds.
I have stored in small glass gold miners vials in freezer that was viable after over 4 years, drying it completely is key, and not let it thaw and refreeze a bunch.