Story: Getting Busted by the German Police

Thought everyone would enjoy a story from a couple years ago when I was living in Europe (I'm american)

So here's the context:

I'm just out of college and I took a job that needed me to move to Germany for a couple years. I spoke broken but OK German at the time of this story.

When I first got there I had a hard time finding a connection so me and a fellow stoner coworker of mine (a Brit) decided to rent a car, drive to Holland and pick up some nice dank nug :).

So we picked up a little over an ounce of nugs all packaged in 5 gram baggies (your only allowed to by 5 grams at a time so we went from coffeshop to coffeeshop picking up). We kept one baggie each in our pockets (for the ride home of course!) and the rest we put in a backpack.

So...we are scared as hell driving past the border back into Germany because people are randomly checked sometimes. We didn't smoke anything up until this point just incase we got nabbed so we could hide the stuff and be sober.

We got past the border by about 10 miles so at this point we knew were home free so we blazed like no tomorrow :). We got back to where we lived in Germany and went to gas the car up before we had to bring the rental car back.

It is nighttime by this friend in driving...and he is so stoned...he forgets to turn his lights on after we leave the gas station :(.

We immediately get pulled over by German cops. They see immediately that we are stoned...and that we are foreigners...perfect targets! We are asked to get out of the car.....they ask if we have any drugs on us...we say no...they search us...and find the 5 gram baggies in our jackets. Busted :(. OK so they cuff us and I am put into one cop car and my buddy is put into another. We begin our journey to the station.

I am obviously shitting my pants at this point becasue I am in a foregin country and don't know my rights. I begin to talk to the cops in front.

In broken german it was to the gist of:

"you know....I am a productive member of society...I have a job...I pay taxes...and all I want to do is smoke a joint once and while after work"
"people get drunk and beat their wives and get into car accidents every day"
"who am I harming"?

like i said...something to that effect.

one cop didnt want to hear it. the other was agreeing with everything I was saying. he was a younger guy...probably 25 so I think he had more of an open mind.

so we get to the station. I am placed in a room with 6 other cops and my buddy is there too. They start questioning us about what we brought back. In the corner of my eye I see our backpack on the floor with the rest of the grass in it. They have not searched it yet.

Now...let me explain a little about German law...which I found out after the fact: 5 grams and will get booked but it is really a slap on your wrist and is off your record in 6 months. An ounce and over = intent to sell...and this equals jail time and in my case most likely deporatation and of course me losing my job. I said they begin questioning me for like 20 minutes...then I am asked to step into another room. Here I am asked to take my clothes off "sigh". I tell him "this is ridiculous" He replies with..."no what is ridculous is you going to Holland and bringing back only 5 grams". He was right. Luckily he didnt touch me at all....I just had to bend over and spread my cheeks. My friend is then asked to do the same.

At this point...I start whispering to my friend "maybe we should just tell them the rest is in the bag and maybe they will go easier on us when they find it" he tells me to keep cool which I do.

I think the cops were amazed by the fact they arrested an american...some of them started asking me who I thought would win the superbowl and stupid shit like was really funny.

Anyways now to the part where I really shit my pants. So...the cops say..."we've searched your car and found we will search your backpack".

They signal to the young cop who I had spoken to during the trip to the station to check the bag. Mind you...the only thing in the bag right now is a little over an ounce of weed in clear sight and also a book my friend was reading.

The cop opens the bag...looks in...pulls out the book...and tells the other cops in the room: "only a book"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I almost shat my pants. That guy saved my life and future all in that moment. I would have lost everything.

I know this sounds gay...but as I was being escorted out of the station at the end of the night all I could think of was "I wish I could send this guy a fruit basket or something"

My friend and I went home....with our backpack full of weed...and smoked about a half of it when we got home to try and get our minds off of what just happened.


Active Member
yupp yupp. one of the best stories on RIU. +reps :) you should try and find this cop and reward him. he did save your future and said it yourself.


Sweet!. Wish things like this happened in america but our cops are brainwashed like the writen law is their religion.. It wouldve been even awesome-er if u met that guy again and let him blaze frm ur stash lol i mean u kinda owe him..


Well-Known Member
Fucking brilliant!

Long distance props to that officer who knew where the real issues lay.
I honestly can't stand when people have skewed views of priority. Such the poopness.


Active Member
Dude, I usually hate cops but that guy sounded like he was actully trying to enforce what was right. +rep to cop lol