

Well-Known Member

They are five feminized big bang from greenhouse bank, they got the same soil, the same ventilation, the same light, the same water schedule, the same care, the same everything but one of them is showing these strange dots, can anyone tellme what it is?



Active Member

They are five feminized big bang from greenhouse bank, they got the same soil, the same ventilation, the same light, the same water schedule, the same care, the same everything but one of them is showing these strange dots, can anyone tellme what it is?

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looks like a deficiency or bugs.if youve seen bugs flying around your plants then it could be aphids.or look under the leaves and look for lil dots then you have spider mites.heres a nute chart for refference


Well-Known Member
i looked under the leaves and there is nothing except in that specific plant, do you think it is possible to have bugs in a 11 floor apartment?


Well-Known Member
anyone? please? i am about to fertilize them with NKP 10 10 27 with a shitload of micro nuts for manganese+potassium theory


Active Member
i looked under the leaves and there is nothing except in that specific plant, do you think it is possible to have bugs in a 11 floor apartment?
Yea, pests usually hitchike into the garden on hands, clothes, or pets. I've got 2 large dogs and I've managed to keep mites out of my garden for 5-6 harvests


A bug does not know if he is on the 11th floor or on the sidewalk. Humans/animals/and air particles can carry an array of bad things. If you walk through grass or take a walk in the woods, immediatley after returning home stay clear of your ladies, and its best to shower off and quaratine your clothes until they are washed.

But, I dont think the brown spots and the chlorosis are caused from pests this time.

Option 1 : Plant is showing signs of a micro nutrient deficieny. Double check all your nutrients and make sure you are providing at least some amount of ALL the nutrient requirments.
Your plants are still very young and it looks like you have them in some sorta organic based growing media, so it should contain a good amount of nutrients already. I realy dont think you need to add any nutrients at this stage of development. Keep in mind that a definciency of one micro nutrient can be caused by an abundance of another micro nutrient or N-P-K as well.

Have you been giving them nutrients recently? If so, How much do you add per gallon? How often do you water them?

Option 2 : You stated, all seedlings are from the same strain, but you have to take into account phenotypic differences. i.e, Just because its the same strain as the other 3, does not gurantee that it will grow the exact same as the rest. There is always a "RUNT" :)


Well-Known Member
thanks for the help!, well the soil its 33% perlite, 33% peat moss and 33% worm humus, the strange thing is why that plant and not the others, even some bagseeds i did grow with that special soil, its from a growshop here in Chile especially for marijuana

I water them when the first two cm of soil was dry. And about a days ago (i really dont remember if was after or before the dots appear) i gave them organic nitrogen, 1/3 of the dose,

Actually i am worried if that stuff spread across my other plants, they were not cheap, about 35 bucks or something lol


Well-Known Member
hmm well i would say that peper look like it needs some nutes, but those worm casting should have enough N for this erly

It may be a lack of a micro nute