Straight thuggin

Od Keep cool bro. I think you are awsome dude, but you care to much about other peoples perception of you..
Back to the post topic, I agree with your position. How can we end racism, if some of the clearly demonstrated behavours that define racism are still used with acceptance? You may understand the origin of the word racism is relatively new, born to describe discrimination on a cultural or ethnic basis. Most commonly used in the 'Western' world, in protests against inequality. It is an important topic to address but I dont believe it is the most CRUCIAL influence in the causation of inequality. Every person that jumps on the 'Racist only if you are a white' band wagon are ignorant to their own ignorance. Dont be angry at them because those that arent deliberate race hate protagonists are only trying to highlight that racism does exist and is displayed in systemic protocol.
If the cap dont fit, dont wear it. Racism is only one sub-category to the wider topic of prejudice. I think classism or bias toward specific bloodline familys, has had more of a determined influence in inequality but is seldom focused on. The blueprint of oppression is designed meticulously and racism is one of its tools to divide opinions. Sit aside the argument bruv know that the protester that focuses on race does not understand the deeper root to their frustration.
Have you ever farted and accidentally shit your pants?
I did I ate a shit ton of crawfish next morning a thought I had a fart we all camped out I was 11-12 and I did a count down 3..2..1.. Oh fuck!! Shit came out creamy as fuck somehow I didn't get caught I just ran grabbed some toilet paper hit the woods washed up in the stream ran back butt naked and got to my clothes without being seen. :) don't help I told my wife though. Lol

Then another time it wasn't even a fart I was walking to the bathroom with the shits and right in the doorway I sneezed and shit my pants a little. Lol, Then I told my wife like a retard and I still get called sneezypoo on occasion. Lol
I did I ate a shit ton of crawfish next morning a thought I had a fart we all camped out I was 11-12 and I did a count down 3..2..1.. Oh fuck!! Shit came out creamy as fuck somehow I didn't get caught I just ran grabbed some toilet paper hit the woods washed up in the stream ran back butt naked and got to my clothes without being seen. :) don't help I told my wife though. Lol

Then another time it wasn't even a fart I was walking to the bathroom with the shits and right in the doorway I sneezed and shit my pants a little. Lol, Then I told my wife like a retard and I still get called sneezypoo on occasion. Lol
Sneezypoo? LMFAOO!!!!!!
How long you been out of fed prison? They let you smoke at least medical weed on federal parole? And how long you got to deal with that bullshit?

Good to see you out of that shit hole though peace.

I've been home for over a year. I haven't smoked since Jan of 2012. I'm on probation until July of 2017. Thank you for the thoughts. 8)