strain advice


Active Member
have access to these sativas need info on all and wich is best greenhouse hawaiian snow, strawberry haze, ch9 jack, jack 33, critical mass, greenhouse super lemon haze


Well-Known Member
well indagroove i took it to a forum to ask people with experience with them ya fuckin prick bet it took you awhile to configure that little link just so you could piss someone off...what a nerd
Dude, it took me like 10 seconds to post the google link. The answers you seek are already out there. Google is your friend, and don't call me a prick for having to tell you about google.


Well-Known Member
well indagroove i took it to a forum to ask people with experience with them ya fuckin prick bet it took you awhile to configure that little link just so you could piss someone off...what a nerd
i know huh. what an ass lol. u just wasted like 30 sec of my life lol


Well-Known Member
you are a prick enough said my thread was sweet and innocent till you came along and fucked shit up maybe im just having a bad day but whatever man i just wanted some info from people that have tried them all not single grow logs is that so hard to ask

Would you like me to change your diaper when your done throwing your tantrum, or should I just wait until you're old enough to learn punctuation?
