Strain help..


Active Member
I was wondering if growing a lowryder, or ak47, etc. outside for a guerilla grow. i also plan on growing them in pots.
Would this work?
Anything special if so?

thanks =)
Those are gonna be some pretty budz, Why not keep them inside where you could nurture them. If you do grow them outside all you need to worry about is light, weather, and cops. And as they get bigger change pots.
Those are gonna be some pretty budz, Why not keep them inside where you could nurture them. If you do grow them outside all you need to worry about is light, weather, and cops. And as they get bigger change pots.
well indoors is not the greatest choice for me :cry: i would if i could.
since these are such small strains i wouldn't need as big pots true or false?
and what are weather and light limits with these strains i live in east Tn.
another possibility you might consider is sticking them in a camo painted 5 gallon bucket about 25-30 feet up in a big tree tied their with camo rope with some time release nutes. then just cut some of the upper folliage out to alow for dirrect sun light on your plant and never go back till your going to harvest. this way it wont be eatin by ground dwelling animals ( deer rabbits ect ect ) found by cops and it can grow alot bigger so a much higher yield. just a thought. Also isn't it a little late to be starting a grow outside ? i don't know the grow season in your state but here in the north east united states our outdoor time has definitly come and past
another possibility you might consider is sticking them in a camo painted 5 gallon bucket about 25-30 feet up in a big tree tied their with camo rope with some time release nutes. then just cut some of the upper folliage out to alow for dirrect sun light on your plant and never go back till your going to harvest. this way it wont be eatin by ground dwelling animals ( deer rabbits ect ect ) found by cops and it can grow alot bigger so a much higher yield. just a thought. Also isn't it a little late to be starting a grow outside ? i don't know the grow season in your state but here in the north east united states our outdoor time has definitly come and past
lol no pplanning for 09. im a noob but not that dumb xP
if i tried this how would they be watered?

and what is some good ideas with time release soils, organic i am still stuck at this part. i dont know what soil and etc. to use and when
could u or anyone possibly help me out with it?
lol no pplanning for 09. im a noob but not that dumb xP
if i tried this how would they be watered?

sorry to come off like a parrent talking to a kid lol i am just use to some "interesting ??? " questions on here from some less then intelegent people lol. as far as watering its basicly a wild plant the rain takes care of the watering. with this method you should start the plant out inside and get it to around 6-10 inchs or 4-5 nods tall and sex it ( or use fem seeds )befor transfering it to the tree to ensure that you have a healthy female to start. Since you wont be activly feeding or watering the plant is at the mercy of the elements but remember it is a weed and to be honest mother nature takes much better care of plants then i have seen alot of newer people on this forum so it should be all good. it wont be as good as an outdoor plant you actively took care of but it should be good smoke. As far as time release nutes I don't really have to much to say on them beyond dont use MG pre nuted soil start with a good organic soil base and depending on your climate add a few things to make the soil hold more moisture or less depending then do a quick google search on time release plant food and go from their
not big pots at all! but if your doing it outside, it's best to dig holes instead of pots... unless its in your back yard.
well id much rather use pots im iffy about ground being i am a complete noob lol id rather know everything that is in my soil then not.
that is one beautful pic =)
what did u use as soil and nutes in that pic??

i dont know about the tree idea this year, honestly.
your fucking stupid if you live in east tennessee the soil isnt made of every nute you need and watt about insects if you gett fox farm soil it will have all you need. and the nutes all you have to do i google but no nutes for first couple weeks.and plus pots will be good if you are doing guerrilla b/c if you get paranoid you can just move them