Strain help!


Active Member
Good morning guys and gals, I have a group of Lemon from De Sjamaan. Just wondering if anyone else has grown this or knows anything about it. I started with 5 of these girls and one failed to germinate so down to four. The second problem i have is one will not grow. They have been growing for about 3 weeks now and one plant is growing good in size, now i say size because its the only one that has actually grown normally but has problems. the leaves have turned colors. not the whole leaf but spots of brown and then it turns to yellow. i flushed the plant with nothing changing. They leaves do start to curl up and i would say that is from heat stress so i turned one light off and moved all the plants under one 600 watt hps. the other two look healthy up to now. ones leaves are starting to curl and the other one has one brown spot on the leaf. ive only fed one time and that was a fox farm nute (big bloom). basically just nitrogen as what ive read. This is my first grow and i have alot of money invested and would really like to come out with more then two plants lol. I have a sweet haze that looks magnificant and a norther lights that also looks great. just these damn Lemons by De Sjamaan that are killing my motivation. now it is not lemon haze or lemon w/e the hell you want to put behind it. Just lemon.

Here is the link
might wanna check on how to grow cannabis "The early years" cause it sounds like you are causing more stress to your plants than anything else.


Active Member
Here are some pictures please tell me if there is anything wrong with the other plants there are 3 lemon that look like shit well two and one is ok i guess then a big sweet haze and the bushy NL IMG_1213.jpgIMG_1219.jpgIMG_1212.jpgIMG_1209.jpgIMG_1208.jpgIMG_1223.jpgIMG_1218.jpgIMG_1210.jpgIMG_1222.jpgIMG_1221.jpgIMG_1214.jpgIMG_1215.jpg


Well-Known Member
They actually don't look bad at all, only problem I see is that you should wait to put the in the buckets because when they are that young and you water them, with there being that much soil in there it will stay wet for too long and starve the roots of oxygen. just don't overwater and let soil dry completely out between waterings


Active Member
i give them one or two solo cups every two days... usually the soil is dry when i stick my finger in the soil. so about 3 inches down i guess. there is one that is super small but the picture wouldnt post. do you know whats up with the brown on the leaves of the two plants? the one with the stick and the other u can clearly tell. those are the lemon. the small plant is only 0.9 inches and has no leaves but the two that pop out in germination


Well-Known Member
You can also check to see if they need watering by the weight of the pots. Just be careful when doing the finger method because your lights tend to dry out the top layer of soil but deeper down the soil can still be wet