Strain info

How do u guys search for strain info besides here and google???
Depends what kind of info you're looking for and what strain.

As mentioned, maintains a pretty comprehensive database of strains and pedigrees. The problem with this is that the backstory to many strains is basically just rumor/myth/hearsay and so necessarily some of the pedigrees and other info won't be correct. Basically nobody knows the true pedigree of some lines. Despite these limitations, this is still probably the best reference of its type out there.

SC labs in CA maintains a publically searchable database listing results of specimen tests they've done. This info is imperfect for a number of reasons I won't get into, but the facility itself is reputable, and if you're looking for some kind of estimate of real world cannabinoid number from "name" strains that get sold in CA dispensaries, its not a bad place to start.

If you're looking for specific info about specific commercial strains, believe it or not, many of the breeders of said lines or company reps will respond to email messages about their product.

And if you want to know about people's experiences with given lines, you can always post here and ask. Filter through the noise and sometimes you can get good information.
Awesome. ya I'm just looking for grow info on strains like phenotypes cannabinoid levels and if a strains any good or not before I spend all that money on a pack