O and I had only received 1 of the 4 cuts I ordered or even agreed upon for replacement. The only one that lived was the no label so even then idk if it's what he says it is due to the 2 labels on the one and already how he presents his self
His cut of meat madness is fire! It could be a frostier cut but the terps are great and it’s a yielder. To be fair I think I can run it better so I’ll reserve judgement overall on the cut, for a bit.
He has a nice list I was actually going to order more but after the trial order I will give a strong pass. Yea I usually get better results the second go on a strain
Just received Pink BoX clones from the mail this is what I see, 2 of them don’t have any roots, and the other 2 have very small amount of roots, this is after 9 days in the mail, it look like he just take cuts put and rockwool then send them right out, all 4 of the clone is dead, I see a few accounts here do advertise for pink, I don’t know how many of those account is pink him, but please stop ignoring my emails and fix this problem, pink I know you and your accounts is seeing this.
Stay away from. Pink box clones dead on arrival
Ordered from PNWStrainhunter on Fri.

Should have something arriving in the coming week, unless he waits a week.

Will report back.

edit: how do y'all get freebies?? i've ordered like 15 times from strainly vendors and never got a freebie. do you have to request them or something?
You ever get your shipment from PNWStrainhunter?
Yes and no.

He shipped on time, but sent the wrong cut on accident.

He's shipping again this monday.

Good communication the whole way, I'm not sweating anything.

Hey, Colocowboy, I think this counts as my first freebie!!! lmao...
Appreciate the input! I put in a order with him the other day and his communication is good throughout the process. I’m also gonna try PinBox to see what all this commotion is about and see for myself.
I’m going to stop talking about Hisnow, not worth my time, I know I had maybe heated up a little on my comments
Welcome newb. Spend a minute a and notice ive been in this thread since before you joined the forum. I'm not pink box nor is any of the other posters who crybabies are accusing. I want the cuts more than he wants the money believe me.

I've been ordering clones for a couple years now and know how the operation goes. You fucking losers are not understanding of shit and spout off at the mouth because something didn't go as planned. You are all going off 1 person's word it wasn't shipped express. WAKE THE FUCK UP and look at the US postal system, its fucked and all guarantees have been suspended. Go to Pink Boxs IG and looks at the dozens of orders going out each week and were all supposed to believe 3 new members who are crying over late shipping times which is out of peoples controls.
Now fuck off Dick, sorry meant rdickenson.
This is getting so funny, there are some one who try’s to defend pink every time some one mention bad things about him, like they would lose something if he’s reputation is ruined, There is many other sellers who get call out too of being a scam with no defender, I’m sure those scammer send out a few nice clones too. Is always the same few accounts that’s defending Pink, I know people say they had received good clone from pink, ok that’s find, just leave a comment and say you receive from him with no problem, don’t need to make the people that got ripped off by him felt like shit, calling them names and stuff, marking Them felt like Shit and is their own fault that they gets shit product.
Appreciate the input! I put in a order with him the other day and his communication is good throughout the process. I’m also gonna try PinBox to see what all this commotion is about and see for myself.

Make sure you treat the Pink Box clones as unrooted when you get them.

Put 'em in a dome w/a little warmth and moisture.

Do that and you should have a good time.
Are you guys legit buying clones from folks who only post a pic of a clone? I'd have to see clone seller's flower pics before I'd feel good about buying from them. I guess word of mouth is good if its from reliable sources.

Personally though I just browsed through strainly and it certainly doesn't inspire confidence.
I’ve been ghosted waving money at ATG. When I got clones from him he gave me free seed and extra clones. He’s flaky for sure.
He hasn't been the same since he lost his mother stock over the air cond thingie. He went to making seeds, then phenohunting thru some of them, at that point I figured you might get "atg" cut, not necessarily the main cut circulating. I let him fall off radar. Fwiw, pinks showed a whole room full of rooted clones on IG, just sayin lol
Are you guys legit buying clones from folks who only post a pic of a clone? I'd have to see clone seller's flower pics before I'd feel good about buying from them. I guess word of mouth is good if its from reliable sources.

Personally though I just browsed through strainly and it certainly doesn't inspire confidence.
Gets to the point you want the real deal, if even possible, lol anymore. Seed trades are same, how you really know what they sent ya, lol. Especially those jack offs trading single seeds. If I couldn't gift or trade a whole pack, I wouldn't waste your time, but just me. I personally ask many questions and feel the guy out, but again, just me
He hasn't been the same since he lost his mother stock over the air cond thingie. He went to making seeds, then phenohunting thru some of them, at that point I figured you might get "atg" cut, not necessarily the main cut circulating. I let him fall off radar. Fwiw, pinks showed a whole room full of rooted clones on IG, just sayin lol
When you say "atg cut" your referring to he may have S1 it?
Just found his own pheno of stuff from seeds, and sells it. I would have thought he could replenish his old stock, then he did the seed thing, so now who knows what it is. Seen a cat selling cuts of muddog, csi freebie stuck the number 11 on it and voile, hundred bucks a cut, lol. Gotta be on your toes at Strainly, but I've had good luck
I’m going to stop talking about Hisnow, not worth my time, I know I had maybe heated up a little on my comments

This is getting so funny, there are some one who try’s to defend pink every time some one mention bad things about him, like they would lose something if he’s reputation is ruined, There is many other sellers who get call out too of being a scam with no defender, I’m sure those scammer send out a few nice clones too. Is always the same few accounts that’s defending Pink, I know people say they had received good clone from pink, ok that’s find, just leave a comment and say you receive from him with no problem, don’t need to make the people that got ripped off by him felt like shit, calling them names and stuff, marking Them felt like Shit and is their own fault that they gets shit product.

Well clearly the issue is a lot of people have had good experiences with him... and for whatever reason people are incapable of just saying hey, "guess you had a different experience than me"... yourself included...

I'm glad we're moving on though since this is the Strainly thread and NOT a Pink Box thread and 47 comments complaining about a guy clutters the place up... In the future, try dropping one comment explaining your experience then walk away from the keyboard... you've done your duty, you shared what happened, stop caring if other people accept your advice or not, this is RIU, someone will always disagree

Moving on now!

Got my Hippy Slayer 33 cutting from Down East Side... excellent seller, pictures of all stages of the plant, great communication, fast shipping... plant arrived in great shape...first ever clone and Strainly purchase... was nervous about it the whole time but it went well... assuming the plant pans out will definitely use him again!
Also, is it just me or are there exponentially more cuttings on Strainly today than there were a week ago? Was wondering if I just wasn't seeing stuff before... went from seeing like 10 cuttings for sale to dozens