Forbid 4F is the ONLY OVICIDE for Micro Mites and some.... without it can be a uphill losing battle... Nuclear Option on all cuts period...
You know I just realized something that was so obvious I never thought about it.
Every clone only cutting that we share with one another has probably been sprayed with toxic chemicals numerous times over it's existence and passed on to the next stewart.

I used Forbid 4f 5 years ago and I felt slightly evil doing so. It's not like I'm a hippy and avoid synthetics and other modern marvels, but I'm not so detached from nature that I want to use pesticides on my plants either.
I felt a bit of relief when the last Forbid treated plant was replaced for other genetics, getting rid of the residue.

Just a thought, haha. :D
Bro its why I stopped taking in clones a couple years ago and just popped 10x more seeds .... I've taken some serious L's on brining in cuts and later on its never worth it... Ive found some next level phenos in seed hunting.. u just have to be honest with yourself and toss like 99% of the seeds u pop

Im done with duds and mites... u dont even need an IPM outside of BTI for Fungus Gnats when u stop bringing in new cuts...
Yes, that's who supposedly sourced it to newguy530. What I got is not Corey, I've grown out some s1s before, and it's nothing like that, or chemdbx3, didn't even see much 4 in it, and it purpled up alot. I think it's a cut of his chem d, poss phinest cut or a seed cross. But it's not Corey. Lol. I prolly stick with pink box from now on
I think Green passed that cut to B4l, if so it’s the cut I received from H.
Here is the meat breath I obtained from Pink Box around day 42 of flower. I have been having a battle with gnats and starting to get rid of them so next round I feel I can really dial her in and get a better run with her.
Get pot poppers they are nemaatodes,off amazon watter them everyday so and toads can move. Give them 2 wks and u will have no gnats guarantee. S felitai or something. Cheap to 13 $ for 50 gals of media. They will get a tad worse because of the daily watering but you must or they wont work. Drying pots out does nothing imo
You know I just realized something that was so obvious I never thought about it.
Every clone only cutting that we share with one another has probably been sprayed with toxic chemicals numerous times over it's existence and passed on to the next stewart.

I used Forbid 4f 5 years ago and I felt slightly evil doing so. It's not like I'm a hippy and avoid synthetics and other modern marvels, but I'm not so detached from nature that I want to use pesticides on my plants either.
I felt a bit of relief when the last Forbid treated plant was replaced for other genetics, getting rid of the residue.

Just a thought, haha. :D
Most insect contol for mites is not systemic like eagle 20 which is a systemic fungicide And even if eagle was used its. Only in. The plant. For a. Couple months, no pesticide these days lasts that long.
Heads up to everyone this is a stolen photo from my flower pics on a listing.
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People steal Flower Pics all the time . Seed Banks are Famous for it they come on hear to steal pics also from IG don't mean the cuts Fake tho all tho it also depends on who's selling it and it's also a Scumbag move not to give credit to the grower or ask permission to use the pics.