Aunt Janes is the sister company to Mama Funk, they're associated IRL and share genetics, could even be the exact same people under two names (notice the similar business names). Mama Funk has sent me genetics in the past with Hops Latent Viroid (hplvd), commonly referred to as dudding. One of the symptoms is excessively weak branches. If it concerns you, you should get your mothers tested.
She was very hearty and strong in Veg. And when I say weak branching, compared to a skunk or haze variety its weak. Nugs stacked on like a champ and quality was second to none. I just wanted to give my full opinion and include the not so great aspects as I am trying to be unbiased and give the community an informed review. I will definitely keep that issue in mind thou, thanks
Aunt Janes is the sister company to Mama Funk, they're associated IRL and share genetics, could even be the exact same people under two names (notice the similar business names). Mama Funk has sent me genetics in the past with Hops Latent Viroid (hplvd), commonly referred to as dudding. One of the symptoms is excessively weak branches. If it concerns you, you should get your mothers tested.
Had to sign up a new account to correct the misinformation here. One, we are friendly with Mamafunk but are not their sister company or affiliated. And two, I remember your post about HPLvd and how you didn't test your mamafunk gear but stuff around it and assumed it came from Mamafunk. Now the weak branches is one small aspect of the HPLvd and usually accompanied by a lot more. And by weak branching it means they are more likely to snap and break. We have never had any issues with dudding on any of our cuts in house or sent out. Your dudding issue could have just been likely caused by pests or some other cut.

And last but not least. We have not personally but have had other people get our clones tested for HPLvd and other issues as well because of their gardens and all have come back negative.

Just wanted to clarify that.
Had to sign up a new account to correct the misinformation here. One, we are friendly with Mamafunk but are not their sister company or affiliated. And two, I remember your post about HPLvd and how you didn't test your mamafunk gear but stuff around it and assumed it came from Mamafunk. Now the weak branches is one small aspect of the HPLvd and usually accompanied by a lot more. And by weak branching it means they are more likely to snap and break. We have never had any issues with dudding on any of our cuts in house or sent out. Your dudding issue could have just been likely caused by pests or some other cut.

And last but not least. We have not personally but have had other people get our clones tested for HPLvd and other issues as well because of their gardens and all have come back negative.

Just wanted to clarify that.

I appreciate the response. When mamafunk was going offline and keeping everything in-state, we were in touch via email and she recommended you personally, saying you had all of (or at least a number of) her cuts. And your names and pricing are very similar. I didn't mean to imply that you were legally the same entity, but that you were close, ie, know each other well enough to share cuts.

The hplvd most definitely came from Mama. Before receiving clones from her, I've only ever run seeds. She was literally the first clone-provider I've done business with, and it was after receiving 6 different strains from her, bunching them together in my veg trays, and having an extended veg period that the hpvld became apparent throughout the garden. This isn't misinformation, nor slander. It's just the facts. It doesn't mean all of your cuts, or a specific amount of your cuts will have hplvd. It means that this happened, and that buyers should know this. This forum is for exactly that, sharing info. I've never made any unfair or harsh claims against MamaFunk (nor you), just advised people to get their clones tested based on my experience.
I’ve heard he has the real thing. I messaged him on strainly and haven’t heard back from him.
I have pink boxes cut. 30 days from flip. I don’t know if it’s the real cut or not.
Looking at the ic thread; this gg4 is 37 days in

Fuk pink box gg4 is probably the seed varient so not the real deal x.x, sucks because I made more clones of it to put on my table for next month. Now I don't think the runtz I got from him is legit either


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Looking at the ic thread; this gg4 is 37 days in

Fuk pink box gg4 is probably the seed varient so not the real deal x.x, sucks because I made more clones of it to put on my table for next month. Now I don't think the runtz I got from him is legit either
Yours looks just like my gg4 x chocolate diesel I ran from seed. Might be killer still but that sucks
Yours looks just like my gg4 x chocolate diesel I ran from seed. Might be killer still but that sucks
That isn't mine its icmag gg4 thread its the real deal; I quoted mogro because the one we comparing to is his that's in flower 30days in, isn't close to that
I appreciate the response. When mamafunk was going offline and keeping everything in-state, we were in touch via email and she recommended you personally, saying you had all of (or at least a number of) her cuts. And your names and pricing are very similar. I didn't mean to imply that you were legally the same entity, but that you were close, ie, know each other well enough to share cuts.

The hplvd most definitely came from Mama. Before receiving clones from her, I've only ever run seeds. She was literally the first clone-provider I've done business with, and it was after receiving 6 different strains from her, bunching them together in my veg trays, and having an extended veg period that the hpvld became apparent throughout the garden. This isn't misinformation, nor slander. It's just the facts. It doesn't mean all of your cuts, or a specific amount of your cuts will have hplvd. It means that this happened, and that buyers should know this. This forum is for exactly that, sharing info. I've never made any unfair or harsh claims against MamaFunk (nor you), just advised people to get their clones tested based on my experience.

Did you ever test your mamafunk cuts??
Two things to contribute to this thread. First, watch out for hop latent viroid (HpLVd). I had only ever run seeds before using strainly. Had never run a single clone besides my own keeper phenos. I got clones from mamafunk a while back when she was still shipping to the public, and noticed some of the strains were lanky, easily snapped, and grew in a funny way. I had something like 8 of her strains. Got freaked out after learning about HpLVd and killed all her genetics besides wedding cake (they were all still in veg at this point). Got most of my genetics tested soon after for HpLVd from Dark Heart Nursery's testing process, and one of the strains I had grown from seed was flagged as positive. This strain was bunched up close to some of mamafunk's genes in a veg tray.

No hate towards mamafunk. It's a small chance, but it could have simply had the viroid since birth, since the viroid has been shown to be transmitted at a very low % rate through seeds. Even if I did get it from her, I don't think she knew she had it and was shipping them out anyway. It can be hard to spot, especially so in veg, and most big clone producers like her only ever have vegged plants around. Not many flowering rooms.

To anyone buying new genetics though the form of clones, I recommend you put the new plants in quarantine while you send off leaf samples to dark heart and test them for HpLVd. It's cheap and relatively quick. Just find the info on their site and email them, etc. Or don't use them, use some other lab. Google around and you can find multiple labs offering this. This isn't an ad for dark heart. It's just my personal experience.

Nevermind. Found my answer here.
Nevermind. Found my answer here.

You're really coming off bad in this exchange. I was very polite in that quote, and gave MamaFunk alot of benefit of the doubt. The timeline is consistent though. I've only gotten cuts from her, ever in my short growing career. After I got her cuts and placed them in the veg room with the others, hplvd symptoms became relatively widespread. I culled all of the symptomic plants without testing, would've been far too expensive to test that many plants. Tested the survivors, and one still had hplvd. This is most obviously due to the MamaFunk's clones. You don't need to be emotional or upset or offended that I've had this experience. I've been very polite about it, and just want to share my experience and information with my fellow growers.

Or your seed?

No, I've never tested my seed plants for hplvd. I've never had hplvd symptoms from seeds, and I've grown over 200 individual plants from seed. I'm not sure it's even a possibility for it to be spread via seed, although I believe the science isn't out on that atm. The symptoms arrived after Mama's weak-stemmed and awkwardly-growing clones were thrown in the mix. I topped and trimmed them, and didn't have a habit at that time of cleaning my scissors in between strains, or rows, or days, or for any reason at all. I wasn't informed of hplvd yet.
You're really coming off bad in this exchange. I was very polite in that quote, and gave MamaFunk alot of benefit of the doubt. The timeline is consistent though. I've only gotten cuts from her, ever in my short growing career. After I got her cuts and placed them in the veg room with the others, hplvd symptoms became relatively widespread. I culled all of the symptomic plants without testing, would've been far too expensive to test that many plants. Tested the survivors, and one still had hplvd. This is most obviously due to the MamaFunk's clones. You don't need to be emotional or upset or offended that I've had this experience. I've been very polite about it, and just want to share my experience and information with my fellow growers.

No, I've never tested my seed plants for hplvd. I've never had hplvd symptoms from seeds, and I've grown over 200 individual plants from seed. I'm not sure it's even a possibility for it to be spread via seed, although I believe the science isn't out on that atm. The symptoms arrived after Mama's weak-stemmed and awkwardly-growing clones were thrown in the mix. I topped and trimmed them, and didn't have a habit at that time of cleaning my scissors in between strains, or rows, or days, or for any reason at all. I wasn't informed of hplvd yet.
Coming off bad??? For clarifying the facts??
Lets just go over this one more time.
1. We are not a sister company or related to mamafunk in any other way than friends in an industry.
2. You assume you acquired HPLvD from Mamafunk's gear. You never tested her gear. You did test yours and that came back positive so you say.
3. Weak stems that bend in flower because of heavy top nugs are not a sign of HPLvD. Weak stems that grow witch broom like and break when bent do.

Just want to make sure that your doom and gloom theories are clarified a little here. Can't have people going around spreading assumptions as facts.