Maybe they were revegged? Mine eventually grew out of it but ended up growing the clones and trashed the moms. Clones are fine the gmo is definitely gmo just not stretchy like I see the smf cut but could be my leds
This is the smf gmo gifted by my dude and definitely legit. Very leggy and takes 12 weeks at least in flower. Easiest bud ever to trim. Super dense nugs but not super fat nugs, yields very heavy. Very rank to me because I know the history, but everyone besides me who’s smelled it says it just smells amazing. And also that the high is strong AF.CD927FC6-E066-4423-B5E1-F6D0B918E1DE.jpeg7232940C-FFD9-447A-86D6-48D8B70C7277.jpeg9989CB57-1685-4029-A411-29C5522C5E36.jpeg07A4B652-D365-4B41-9BBA-C9345B25C1E6.jpeg
I ordered off Dank Stank about a month ago and the package got snagged by customs or so he said.I don’t know for sure because he didn’t give me a tracking number.He said he would resend by the 22nd at the latest and I haven’t heard from him since.I have messaged him multiple times with no response.It’s too bad because I have had good luck with several other vendors including PNW , Pink box and Mainely.I will follow up to this post if he does respond or they show up.
Ya he definitely has decided to ghost me altogether.Time to make a transfer for $2 to him via PayPal and put in a note saying drugs/cannabis.That will be the end of his PayPal acct.
Why not cool on my side? I paid fair dollar value for a service he promised to deliver .Well he didn’t deliver and is completely ghosting me.What would you do?Just accept the loss?

You are dealing with an already shady business if you are not ready to eat the loss I strongly suggest not playing. And that there I do not condone on any circumstances. But then again I was raised in a totally different era.
You are dealing with an already shady business if you are not ready to eat the loss I strongly suggest not playing. And that there I do not condone on any circumstances. But then again I was raised in a totally different era.
He could have easily refunded me my money minus shipping costs if he wanted too and I wouldn’t care.I get that shit happens but to say you are doing something and the man ghost someone is disrespectful.Something someone from your era should appreciate.Hell even a response from him saying too bad so sad would suffice for me.
You were going to tell on someone over a cut I couldn't imagine what you would do with your freedom on the line.
Just for context you are defending someone who ripped off a guy who has severe MS and can’t afford to be ripped off.But hey why not.I have done my share of time for Cannabis kept my pie hole completely closed and suffered in the can.Getting a PayPal acct shutdown so he can’t rip anyone else off isn’t the same as being a rat and cheesing people off ?But if that’s how you want to portray the issue then so be it.I’m done chatting with ya .Just hope others read this and don’t get scammed.I shouldn’t have called you a keyboard cowboy that was unprofessional and I shouldn’t have gone to insults just because you did.I sincerely hope the rest of your day is drama free.And that isn’t sarcasm.
Just for context you are defending someone who ripped off a guy who has severe MS and can’t afford to be ripped off.But hey why not.I have done my share of time for Cannabis kept my pie hole completely closed and suffered in the can.Getting a PayPal acct shutdown so he can’t rip anyone else off isn’t the same as being a rat and cheesing people off ?But if that’s how you want to portray the issue then so be it.I’m done chatting with ya .Just hope others read this and don’t get scammed.I shouldn’t have called you a keyboard cowboy that was unprofessional and I shouldn’t have gone to insults just because you did.I sincerely hope the rest of your day is drama free.And that isn’t sarcasm.

As I stated in my first response not cool at all on BOTH parties. That means I do not condone shady business or ratting on anyone you think that all they would do is shut down his PayPal account? As I stated in another response if you wanted to give others a heads up you would have simply stated your experience and left it at that saying your going to tell on him just muddies your name.