I'm always skeptical of new accounts that immediately start slagging vendors and the like. Clones are fragile and shit happens... did your friend message PNW? Cause I know several people who have dealt with him and have had nothing but good things to say about the quality and cleanliness of his cuts.
Ya he was good to me to I fucked up and sent him the wrong address and he reshiped
That one comment from a while back “they’re gonna talk regardless” or something like that from no dude if you have legit shit people on the forums won’t be trashing you lol
Hell nah they wont. They will talk for the most part. Tell eveyone about their positive exp.

Negative exp should be posted up...tru that!

Edit: This post wasnt meant in a bad way. Just facts! You're right too
Wow that ali express thing sounds crazy.

If I get a business going, I'm sure I'll care what people are saying on the forums too. I won't let it consume me, though. If I spend more time on that than working hard I'll never be successful.
it is very shitty and nothing much ican do about it , poor experience is all i can say , and a small lesson learned of course but sad to see actual art being ripped off
Seasoned grower she is....stop trolling! There is rules for that right

Edit: if you cant prove what you are saying hen keep your mouth shut please....i can prove she got ripped off. She got limp clones douchebag
this is where we would start deleting posts not because youre upset witha product but now youre fighting our members., people are skeptical with good reason for those who come here as a brand new member and start shit slinging. and than start getting upset at our user base.

We heard you youre upset about a product, move on, if youre entire only thought on this website is to just drag this horse down and beat it over and over again we arent interested.
you said your piece, and now its time to move on and do something else on the forum and become aproductive member, if that isnt whatyou wanna be here for ,no one is going to want to listen to someone scream and cry over and over again,.
this is where we would start deleting posts not because youre upset witha product but now youre fighting our members., people are skeptical with good reason for those who come here as a brand new member and start shit slinging. and than start getting upset at our user base.

We heard you youre upset about a product, move on, if youre entire only thought on this website is to just drag this horse down and beat it over and over again we arent interested.
you said your piece, and now its time to move on and do something else on the forum and become aproductive member, if that isnt whatyou wanna be here for ,no one is going to want to listen to someone scream and cry over and over again,.

If the folks post im going to repsond....or one thing im not as upset as she is. He know he was selling a clone to a med patient dude......crying? Really? Bitching is more like it.

What are the trolling rules on this site?
If the folks post im going to repsond....or one thing im not as upset as she is. He know he was selling a clone to a med patient dude......crying? Really? Bitching is more like it.

What are the trolling rules on this site

We dont allow users to name call here, so if you wanna start calling people names youre time here is going to be short lived. no one trolled you, you just dont like what they have to say, they are skeptical within reason,

Im telling you to move on now, if you dont want to respect our website, than youre not welcome here! Im no scammer! Toss that idea in the trash can.....yes the clones were unhealthy when they arrived....he did offer to fix the situation. But who wants more issues? She doesnt. Why would she? If you have bugs you shouldnt be selling clones or atleast say something about them.....if the clone fucking dies in 3 days and you got proof of it pic wise give the god damn money back! I would....he knows his clones he jnows what they looked like when they left. He knows what hes sending to everyone. Gtfo....i coukd send 20 peeps clones and look at every one of them and tell you with prety damn good accuracy which went to dude.

I'm just saying when there are dozens of community members who get a vendors cuts without bugs or issues and one new account claiming a friend had a bad experience without evidence is questionable. Maybe engage with the community first?

Also, if he offered to replace the snips well, that seems like he tried to rectify the situation. Why assume they will be bad again? I own a small business too and it's not always as easy to refund a customer as people think. This isn't Target where they have billions in capital to float bank charges and shit while money goes back and forth. It's often quicker and cheaper to just send new product, and it's often better for the customer too because they don't risk the funds getting held up by their bank or credit card for who knows how long
We dont allow users to name call here, so if you wanna start calling people names youre time here is going to be short lived. no one trolled you, you just dont like what they have to say, they are skeptical within reason,

Im telling you to move on now, if you dont want to respect our website, than youre not welcome here
and don't let the door slam your ass on the way out!! :eyesmoke:

Was that too much? I gave the stoned smiley instead of finger smiley :rolleyes:
I recently got unrooted snips from PNW of 3 different strains. They are all now rooted and happy in my TurboKlone. Once flowered I'll share what they all look like. It'll be awhile have 8-9 weeks till Flower area will be available. I can say he was very quick with responses and they were shipped the day he promised.
Sounds like it is a 10-11 week cut.. Yet he says it finishes outdoors in central Michigan.
Sounds a lil suspicious. Maybe he meant in a greenhouse. can pick it at anywhere from 70+ days to 100+ in actuality maybe it can be grown in central mi. Run it outdoors and post up is all i can say.

I read on a site a guy wnet 114 days. Edit
Is there like a code of conduct? Deleting posts because “we aren’t interested”?

Seems like you just pick and choose what to enforce. And grammar ain’t one of them.

Man, I love this shit.

What he actually said was he isn't interested in someone beating an argument to death when it doesn't immediately get traction, and would delete posts that fall into that category, which is totally fair in my book.

But that aside, yes, he does just pick and choose what to enforce! This is a privately owned site. He can do whatever the hell he damn well pleases! He can delete your posts cause he doesn't like your username! Or your avatar! Or your opinions! Your a nobody and no one cares about your opinion. I don't mean that to be harsh, I too am a nobody in these parts. If I piss the mods off, I assume I'll get my posts deleted, and likely banned to boot.... and if I don't like it, I'll move on to another forum. Or get off the interwebs entirely and spend more time in my garden.

Also, why are you even involved now? Have you had a bad experience with PNW and got your post deleted? Where did your comment come from? Is @Onceuponatime2309 your sock? The people deserve answers goddamnit...

PS. This is the internet. Proper grammar died here many years ago.
Man, I love this shit.

What he actually said was he isn't interested in someone beating an argument to death when it doesn't immediately get traction, and would delete posts that fall into that category, which is totally fair in my book.

But that aside, yes, he does just pick and choose what to enforce! This is a privately owned site. He can do whatever the hell he damn well pleases! He can delete your posts cause he doesn't like your username! Or your avatar! Or your opinions! Your a nobody and no one cares about your opinion. I don't mean that to be harsh, I too am a nobody in these parts. If I piss the mods off, I assume I'll get my posts deleted, and likely banned to boot.... and if I don't like it, I'll move on to another forum. Or get off the interwebs entirely and spend more time in my garden.

Also, why are you even involved now? Have you had a bad experience with PNW and got your post deleted? Where did your comment come from? Is @Onceuponatime2309 your sock? The people deserve answers goddamnit...

PS. This is the internet. Proper grammar died here many years ago.


but yes thats what i said seems like hes more interested in picking at grammar than reading

but yes thats what i said seems like hes more interested in picking at grammar than reading

Do you get paid to do this? Like I can’t believe it lol the dogshit way you handle problems is laughable. You don’t want this community to be any better, and your work shows it